Monday, November 17, 2014

Chapter 13, Appreciating Diversity, Nov. 17-23

One of the most exciting scientific accomplishments of this century is Human Genome Project which is the cataloging of human genes. This will lead to great understanding of the human body and advance medical science. One of the most important findings is that while human beings differ in outward appearance, the genetic structure of all human beings is 99.9% identical. These researchers agree that there is only one race, the human race. 

However we continue to struggle with the concept of appreciating diversity, and discrimination and prejudice still exist in many forms. For example, you may have been discriminated against because of your ethnic group, religion, height, weight, gender, disability, or even academic skills. For this discussion, give an example of a circumstance where you have experienced or witnessed discrimination. Any ideas on how to reduce discrimination? 

I will share an example of discrimination that I experienced. I started my doctoral program at USC when I was 8 months pregnant. After the first class the professor took me aside and suggested that I drop out of the program because of my family situation. I was really angry and decided to show him that I would finish. I am happy to report that I was one of the first three students to finish the program.

At Cuyamaca College, we have many Chaldean students who are Christians who have emigrated from Iraq to avoid religious persecution. Since the attacks of 9-11, this group has faced discrimination at our college and in our community. Whenever there is anything about terrorism in the news, many students who are from the Middle East suffer discrimination even though they have nothing to do with terrorism. Any comments on this? 

This week you can make one post of 200 words (instead of 2 of 100 words each) if you want since the topic of appreciating diversity or describing incidents of discrimination might need more words.  


  1. After I retired from the Navy, I went for a job interview and the person conducting the interview said, “I don’t hire Chiefs, they don’t know how to work. Had I known you were a retired Chief, I would have told you not to come”. I have a strong work ethic and I give the effort I expected from those who worked for me in the Navy. It hurt my feelings that he had judged me on my rank, and never asked me about my work record. He stated that he had hired Chiefs before, only to regret it later so he would not hire anymore. I mentioned to him that he had just broken several federal laws and since I was not getting the job anyway, I would be stopping by HR. I saw the HR manager and told him about the interview and the HR manager was adamant that the interviewer did not speak for the Company. I found out from a friend who worked there, that he was fired the next day. While that made me smile, I was still out of work and needing a job. It was the first time someone had said that I was not worthy of filling an entry level job, simply because of the rank I had attained in the Navy. I have yet to find a great job since retiring, and I love all the commercials where people thank a Veteran for their service. People like to thank me, just not hire me.

    1. Discrimination occurs in many forms. Glad you stood up for what was right here.

  2. I am so glad that you have brought up the topic of the Chaldeans and the issues regarding the Middle East. I am Chaldean, and was born in San Diego. However, my parents were not and they have been here for over thirty years. Not only do middle easterners face discrimination at Cuyamaca, but all over San Diego. What bothers me the most is when people who do not even know what they are talking about think they have the right to speak on the topic of the middle east and its refugees. It is so ironic that the Chaldeans/Christians are the one that are facing the persecution in Iraq, and come here for religious freedom among other freedoms, but are blamed for various terrorist attacks just because they come from the middle east. I have lived in San Diego all my life and have heard all possible stereotypes and discriminations possible. What's funny is that the United States government is a huge force behind all the turmoil in the middle east and has caused so many of the issues, all due to greed. I think people need to open their minds and do some research before they open their mouths and make unnecessary comments to Chaldeans about "terrorist" attacks, when our families and ancestors have always been the victims.

    1. Thanks for providing your point of view. People need to be educated about the Chaldean Christians in our area.

  3. I believe that we can gain many things by appreciating diversity. Not only can we learn new things but we can create a better economy through trade with each other. By being willing to listen and understand we can learn different customs and ways of life outside our own. In addition by being respectful we are able to balance each other out. By trading with other countries not only are we able to have a variety of foods and other products but we help the world economy. I know I am not the only one who appreciates getting different products that are made in other countries. It can not only be beneficial to our country but to another country as well.

  4. Discrimination is quite a same for many reasons. Not only does it make the discriminate close minded and hard head but it hurts people as well. It hurts the innocent and people have their basic human rights. By discriminating one minority is saying they are better and or have power over another minority when that should most certainly not be the case. All of us as human being should have the same individual rights. Rights to believe and to listen because each individual has his or her own reasons to believe what he or her does.

  5. My Discrimination incidence is being bullied it started when I was in fifth grade in the beginning of fifth grade I had tons of friends then one by one they all started to changes and go their own path I still hang out with them but sometimes I didn’t feel like I belonged in the group anymore and the people that I used to hang out with started to bullied me little but not too bad. When I graduation from fifth grade I was glad and I was ready to go to middle school in sixth grade I meet some new people and I thought to myself maybe my bullied days were over I was totally wrong. The friends that I meet in sixth grade we hang out but not that much when seventh grade come around this girl that I knew of but didn’t really hang out with I started to hang out with her because she didn’t have much friends so I brought her to the girls that I meet in sixth grade before I knew it all the girls stop hang out with me but the one girl started to tell me to not hang out with them anymore so I didn’t and then she started to punch me and kick me for no reason and it got so bad that I was afraid to go to school so I had to tell my parents what was going on and they pulled me out of the school and that helped me so much sometimes I look back on those days and I always say to myself why didn’t I tell somebody that I was being bullied early.

    1. It is good to hear that people are bringing up the issue of bullying. I think it has always happened and is very hurtful to children.

  6. I have been in a relationship with the same man for 11 years. I am not offered health insurance through my employer. I have carried private insurance for myself for many years. In the wake of Obama Care (don't get me started) I was dropped from my private insurance and was informed that I would have to go through Covered California. If I was a man and in a same sex relationship with my boyfriend I could be added to his policy for a small price, no questions asked, but because we are not married and not of the same sex, I can not be added to his policy at all, even for an outrageous premium. I am being discriminated against because I am not married to the man that I have been with for 11 years and because I am not gay. I am also being discriminated against by my previous carrier, that is just tricky because I don't even know why I could not continue my policy with them. There had to be a reason, but they elected to not share it with me. Let's just say that I can not wait until 2016.

  7. I really want appreciate how you mentioned about my Chaldean people and their suffers. unfortunately, some people might don't have any idea how Chaldean/Christians people have faced and still facing a horrible circumstance in Iraq from a terrorism group calling them self (ISIS). Thousands of people have fled from their country by ISIS who do not believe in any kind of humanity which they have killed many people and asked Chaldean/ Christians citizens to change their religion into Islamism otherwise they will get killed. My point is that after what happened to those innocent people in Iraq, now they don't have any homes to live in, they have fled from their original country and they still have no clue about their future. Chaldean/Christian people have their right to stay in their country and no one has the right to ask them to leave the country by forcing them to do so. Those innocent people must be free to choose their religion and not forcing them by ISIS to choose weather to change their religious or otherwise they will get killed. I still have no chance to visit back to visit country just because all of those events I mentioned. I hope that human organizations would take care of this issue and try find some safety places for those innocent people until they go back to their country as soon as possible.

    1. It is really tragic what is happening in Iraq. I know that many of our students have family there and I am so sorry to hear what is happening to them.

  8. Racial discrimination is one of the biggest issues that we have in the United States now days. It is a very heart breaking to see someone being discriminated due to their look or even believes. I work at a gas station as a cashier and I deal with many people every day. About a year ago a white mle came in to the store and he was really made, I'm not very sure what he was mad about, but he looked very pissed off. As he came in, there was a black costumer in front of him trying to buy some cigarettes. This white man came in to the front of this black customer and said, "$20 on pump 6". When i saw him cutting the line i told him, "Sir, there is a customer ahead of you. Can you please wait until he is done?". He looked at that customer with a disgusted look and said, "Do you call this a customer because to me its something else?". The black man was about to answer him, but to avoid any fight i responded immediately and said. "Yes he is indeed and if you don't get out now i will have to call the cops on you." Long story short, the black man was a nice guy and he didn't want to cause any problems, and the other guy just left and never came back. The racist ism that that man had i think he was raised with it. And the cure for this issue is through media. We have to put it out there that we are all humans and there is no differences between us. Media is what is believed to people now days and if the people see what the media is giving them they will be more open minded to other people. People need to understand the diversity that humans have is what makes them unique in every possible way.

    1. It is sad to see such discrimination occurring. I'm glad that you took a stand against it.

  9. I have witnessed various different types of discrimination ranging from racial to cultural and have even witnessed people being discriminated simply because of the clothes they were wearing. Though there are many types and reasons for discrimination it seems like one of the biggest causes of it is simple lack of information or willful ignorance, there are of course other reasons but to me this is seems like the leading cause. It seems as though much of the discrimination I witnessed was done by a side with half-baked information and stereotypes heard from people who also had no idea what the actual facts were. Though I believe lack of information is the leading cause it is by no means the only one. There are a number of ways that could potentially reduce discrimination but none of them would be effective over night and may take quite a while for the effects to be shown. One way to potentially decrease discrimination cased by ignorance and misinformation is to spread the correct facts about the discriminated party in hopes that the people who are misinformed can gain access to the correct information. Though this is not likely to be very efficient it may very well decrease the likelihood of people being discriminated against as a result of incorrect information or ignorance, the effect may be small but im sure any amount of progress would be greatly welcome.

    1. Education is one of our best defenses against racism. I think it will only stop when we educate the children.

  10. I cannot stand people getting bully. I think that it is the most disgusting thing that one can do to another person. It seem that bullying has become really bad in the last ten years. Why is this happening? I wish that I had an answer to that question. When I was in elementary school I had a speech impediment where I could not say my “s” that well. I would tell my classmates to stop doing something that I did not like them doing I would say the word “top”. When I got to middle school, I just had some friends that would kind of boss me around a little bit. Tell me what they wanted me to and how I was going to get it done. I really did not know I was getting bully until after middle school. Also, in middle school I was made fun of because I was in special ed class. I did not really care because I knew that I was doing well in school. In high school I was not really bully that much, but there were so many roomies that were spread about me. I was always pregnant and sleeping around with everyone. I did not even had boyfriend when I was in high school, so I do not know where people were getting that from; people sometime. I bet that there were other roomers to, but I did not care. People can think whatever they want about me. I know who I am. Bullying need to stop.

    1. Bullying happened when I was in school in the 50's. I think it has always happened, but we did not talk much about it. Glad we are talking about it now and trying to find ways to stop it.

  11. I have witnessed discrimination in middle school and in high school. There was a wide range of discrimination against students and it included students that were over weight, poor students, middle eastern students, short students, and anyone who was different from the group. I myself have been discriminated against for being different but I took it as motivation. To me people who discriminate are basically jealous or its people who want to make themselves look good in the crowd and point out other peoples' differences to make themselves feel better. Discrimination is something that I believe is wrong and we can work towards decreasing discrimination because I also believe that we can't eliminate it but we can decrease it in our schools and communities. At the end of the day we are all the same we are all humans and we are unique from where we come from to how we handle ourselves. Just like how everyone has their own personality and traits, everyone has their own religion, culture, skin color, height, weight, and everything else people discriminate against. One way we can help decrease discrimination in schools is by not teaching our children or family members to discriminate against a certain group or race. I know that children will take what their parents say around them and discriminate just like their parents do.

    1. I think you are right that people discriminate because of a lack of self-confidence. It is super important that children do not continue the discrimination, but learn better behavior.

  12. In a previous chapter we read that the next generation will be more diverse and racial discrimination should drop. This is important to me because I have 3 children and another one on the way and what I want for my children is that they will not deal with the racial discrimination that my husband and me faced as young kids. My husband is Black and Filipino and I am Japanese, Mexican and Navajo and since we have been together we have learned a lot about each other’s cultures. I always felt that I was pretty aware of other cultures but I have grown to know so much more about Filipino culture by talking to his mom and aunts about their country and their customs. My husband and I have both studied Black American history and have integrated customs into our lives for our children. About 5 years ago I had the opportunity to take my husband to the reservation to meet my moms cousins and to show my husband my grandfathers land and my families first Hogan that is still in the same spot. While my grandmother was alive she taught my husband about a lot of our Japanese customs and created some pretty funny memories teaching my husband how to use hashi (chopsticks). My husband has learned a lot more about Mexican heritage not only through me but also through many friends and at school. My husband and I realized after several years that we were nowhere near perfect or completely free of racial profiling. We still made ignorant remarks from time to time and usually about each other’s racial backgrounds. With a new family we realized that we needed to be more aware of our immediate response we have the control to change the future through our kids. It was one thing to teach them where they come from and who they are but it is a different thing to teach them how to be accepting. We do our best to make sure we never judge people based on their outward appearance and make sure our children see that and act the same. The USA has come a long way since our parents were kids and each generation it gets better I hope that the generation that my children our in will add to this improvement of the human race.

    1. Wow! Your family has a lot of rich diversity! I am happy to hear that you are teaching your children to appreciate all the different cultures. It is through our children that we can change the world and make it better.

  13. I have had many situations where I have noticed discrimination towards me with all sorts of things. The one that I have always dealt with is with me being mixed race my father is full Mexican and my mother is half Mexican half white. So I know it sounds cliche but reality is I always got made fun of with the Mexican people who told me I wasn't Mexican enough because as a child I was never taught Spanish. Which is funny like it is my fault that I don't know Spanish or if you don't speak it then you are not Mexican. Then on the other hand the white people thought of me as a total Mexican out of Tijuana because my skin was darker then theirs and I know a little Spanish and was able to communicate with a few friends with that little Spanish. I just always found it so funny how it meant so much to others about what my background and ethnicity is like as if it would change the person I was if my skin was lighter or if I spoke Spanish. I never have really stopped experiencing it I mean sure most people tell me oh I'm just joking but in reality why even bring it up if you have no issue with it. I think it used to be a lot worse in my school days now as the world is getting more and more diverse with really no one being all one race anymore it seems it is more natural to people nowadays.

  14. A couple years back, me and my brother were riding in the car down to get an oil change. It just so happened to be Cinco de Mayo, celebrating Mexican independence day. As we were minding our own business, I was joking around and wanted to try and embarrass my little brother. I myself am not really a big fan of Mexican Folk Music in general, but it was for a gag so I found a Spanish station and turned up the Volume and rolled down the windows to make sure people would laugh and stare. As planned, my brother sinks as low as possible as if gravity was X100. It was hilarious up until an unexpected lady rolled up right next to us and erratically starts honking her horn. My brother and I were both baffled and were wondering who pissed this lady off and we were rubber-necking around to find the answer. Soon before we knew it, the lady was actually honking at us! We turned down the music to see what was going on and why she was honking crazy? This lady was screaming at the top of her lungs, " YOU DAMN BEANERS, GO BACK TO MEXICO WHERE YOU BELONG! THIS IS AMERICA!!' Holding back the typical emotional response, we just stared and rolled the windows up and went about our day and just laughed it off. I felt that responding to the lady was going to be one of two things. The first one would be impossible since she was already worked up for some unknown reason? There is always two sides to the story, could have easily been a past experience that is forever in her mindset. The Second thing is talking to a close minded person. Who knows if she would have even let me ask her why she has so much hate towards the Hispanic culture or let alone any culture? The best thing I felt was to just let her vent it out, no sense in talking to her. Just would have been a waste of breath and time.

    1. It is amazing to hear these stories, especially since we took a big part of the US, including California, from the Mexicans. I do agree with you that engaging with these racists is a waste of time.

  15. My friend just went to an interview at I-tan a few weeks ago, and during her interview since it was a group interview there was some over weight, but pretty and well rounded girls that had been called for the interview. A could days later she got a call saying that she had gotten the job and to come in to do paper work before starting training. As they were filling out the paper work they told her that she must come to work everyday with a full face of make up on her hair down and " must obtain her body weight to ensure her sales stay high". I think that is a very clear discrimination towards over weight girls that they did not get a job due to their body weight, or if they were not pretty enough. Some ways to maybe reduce the discrimination of overweight girls wanting to tan is have a mix of different types of people to ensure that maybe an over weight girl that wants to get a spray tan for her wedding feels comfortable enough to go into a business place and not feel judged by a more slender girl.

  16. Glad you did brought the toping of the middle eastern people that were imigrated from iraq to here in the USA. I think that many people have suffered from consequences that had put them down and lost a lot of things just to get to USA and have there lifes back because many of imigrant worked hard just to be what they want to be. I feel like i want to help the poor people just to get what they want that i can afford but there are some people that have a power that can do help and solve the situation that the poor midle eastern people that needs that so bad and try to get help that can saves there life furthermore these people are greedy and don't like to help the poor people. I think thats a bit of a discrimination to me and i feel that needs to be changed as soon as possible because i think a lot of middle eastern people needs to be help and they are looking for bad help just to pass all the stress and struggling that they are at and that can be solved with the powerful people and make it easier for them. I feel that people needs to step up and help. People must stop thinking about discrimination and think about other people that needs help. Middle eastren people will appreciate whoever try to assist and make life become easier the same way i did appreciate whoever helped me and helping me to be successful in life.

  17. An example of discrimination would be when guys think girls are bad drivers. I do not think that women are bad drivers. I think that women get distracted and multitask with their cell phones and texting more than guys do. When guys drive they get more tickets by speeding, breaking the laws, etc. Also when buying car insurance, it is actually cheaper for girls because they are more cautious drivers and statistics show that they get into less car crashes. You cannot really base a good or bad driver based on gender. It depends more on who pays attention when driving on the roads. Gender should not be based on judging how well a person drives.

  18. A discrimination incident that my family and I have faced in the U.S as an Chaldean immigrants is that one day, one of our neighborhood's friend parked in front of our house door, where our car usually parks. We asked her to move the car a little bit because we want to park our car and she simply said” I am a citizen and you're not”, first, I didn’t understand what she meant and we just stared at her, but after few minutes my family and I were in a shock. We didn’t want to have a fight with her or anything, we simply asked her to move the car and even their was another place for visitors that she could have parked in, but she decided to park in our spot. Still even if such incidents happen, now as being so close to recieve my citizenship, I am so thankful to the country of United States that helped us and protected us in our worst situations.

  19. I have been discriminated by my gender of being a female. My best friend Brenda and I were in eighth grade and we were very athletic. We both enjoyed soccer and we were pretty good at it too. During middle school there was a Physical Education class when you got to have free time and do whatever you wanted with your friends. All of the boys would create a soccer game and choose teams. So we decided to try to join a team. The boys did not pick us and said we could not play because we would "get hurt". I felt so discriminated and hurt that we could not play just because of our gender. I think discrimination is the worst part of life and I wish we would stereotype or prejudice other people. These things lead to suicide and dwell on people for the rest of their lives. We should all be grateful for each other and try not put each other down. It is not a good feeling and it does not feel good if you were the one being bullied or discriminated. Try to put yourself in other peoples shoes and think about stuff before you say them.

  20. I am grateful for that how you mentioned about Chaldean people. The most important that Chaldean are always victims since 1800 DC what I mean, Chaldean are the native in Iraq, they were facing many thing unfortunately, people in the United States they should be proud that they’re born in the best country that have good freedom and places to studying. Some people might did not heard about or have any idea how Chaldean/Christians people have faced and still facing a horrible circumstance in Iraq from a terrorism group calling them self “ISIS”. Chaldean have had fled from their country because of ISIS who do not believe in any kind of humanity which they have killed many people and special Christian’s people. The want to destroy Iraq and have their own freedom also they ask Christians to change their religion and be Islamic or the minter to be died if the did not change. The Chaldean moved to North Iraq to live, Where the Kurdish people lives also the Kurdish people starting supporting them. The Kurdish want to destroy ISIS and taken Mosul City. Now a day nobody knows who is supported the ISIS because their having a big hand and there is unknown whose giving them weapons.

  21. I feel that as women we are subjected to discrimination regularly. There are certain expectations that come with being a woman. We are expected to look a certain way and act a certain way. Women who are outspoken are often put in a negative light whereas men who voice their opinions are viewed as strong and direct. Also, women are constantly judged based on appearance more so than men. When it comes to women there are certain standards that society has deemed as “ideal”. That could be a certain body type or a certain face shape. Images released by the media are constantly manipulated in order to meet those standards. The images that surround us on a daily basis represent an artificial image of perfection. Young women will often try to emulate that in order to feel better about themselves. I feel that society needs to place a stronger value on the intelligence of young women rather than solely focus on their appearance. Also it needs to be recognized that beauty comes in many different shapes and sizes. Uniqueness is beautiful and the fact that everyone is different should be embraced in a positive manner. I think that the key to accepting others is learning how to accept ourselves.

    1. You bring up a lot of good points about discrimination against women. Some of the worst discrimination does come from the media and the images of women that they use. I agree that we need to learn to accept ourselves.

    2. Ana- what you had to say was absolutely beautiful and well said. I think you made excellent points in your post about women being discriminated against on a daily basis. As a man we are allowed to get away with more things. We do not feel the pressures that women feel. I agree with you when you said we need to place a stronger value on the intelligence of women. Beauty is only skin deep and those looks begin to fade. Also, I like that you mentioned uniqueness is beautiful. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. We should learn to love ourselves so we can love others. Great post!

  22. Regarding the people from the Middle East who have nothing to do with terrorism facing discrimination ever since the attacks of 9-11 is horrible. Being Chaldean myself, I know what it is like first hand to hear and receive comments like that are just completely absurd. It is so ignorant when other people find it okay to discriminate people of the Middle East descend of being terrorist. Just because a couple of people that were Middle Eastern were involved in the terrorist tactics of 9-11 does not mean that every other Middle Eastern should have to suffer and be put in the category of being a terrorist. I usually just try to ignore the comments that people make, but sometimes after hearing it constantly, it can be a bit aggravating and it just makes you think about how ridiculous and shallow some people can be. It is also unfair when people are extremely hateful towards that Chaldeans that are more foreign and have just come to America from Iraq or wherever they previously lived. They just came here to change their lives and make a living here in America, but instead that are constantly being discriminated against for being terrorist for no apparent reason.

    1. What you describe is a good example of a stereotype and the harm it causes. It happens much too often and comes from ignorance.

  23. As far as people from the Middle East being discriminated against, I think that 9-11 was such a shock that people started getting paranoid thinking that terrorism was living next door. I would like to think that that has been gradually getting better, but I also know how closed minded people can be. I met a woman who moved to the United States from the Middle East. She was a hard-working mother of three and she said she could never return home. She said if she did, she would not even make it past customs and that they would be-head her for abandoning her country and her religion. She was so greatful to be living here and such a happy, friendly person. I think that everyone should have their own personal beliefs and voice them proudly, but not treat anyone differently who has different beliefs. On the other end, I think that nowadays people get offended too easily, but that's another topic! It is amazing the people you can meet and the things you can learn if you keep and open mind and do not judge people prematurely!

  24. I experienced discrimination when I went back to college. I was taking a class and we had to partner up with the person next to us. I was sitting next to a girl and her response was, eww no. I feel that she responded that way because of our age difference. In the scheme of life I am not that old but to a 19 year old I seem old. I notice that there are a lot of older people who go back to college and I can see that the younger kids discriminate against them because of their age.

  25. I think that racial profiling is terrible. Also stereotyping. Muslims should not have to be stereotyped as terrorists, as should no one else be constantly generalized to a specific stereotype withing their culture. We are all human. We all have feelings and have to live in this world together. Change should be made and it would be ideal if racism was laid to rest. But unfortunately there are still many ignorant, closed minded people who ruin it for everyone. Like the saying, if you do not have anything nice to say, do not say it. Mostly because I don't have time to here racially degrading comments that can be hurtful.

  26. I have witnessed so many accounts of racism and prejeduice in my life and its very sad because now I see my children experiencing it themselves. I don't know if has lessend since I was a teen I do notice that it is harder now then it was for me. when I was in junior high or middle school now is the term used today the KKK burned a cross at Jefferson Jr High in Oceanside and they closed the school for the day, I remember when we got to school everyone was sad and crying and some kids were scared and mad. I felt both feelings and I noticed the white kids thought it was funny. since that time I have only experience meaness from white people and even though I am one fourth European I don't claim it. I don't want to associate with white people because the ones that I do encounter are harsh and rude and racist. I have yet to meet a white person who isn't. patricia dale 10-30-2017
