Monday, August 25, 2014

Chapter 1, Understanding Motivation, August 25-31

It was great meeting you on the blog last week and learning about your educational journeys. We have a great variety of students in the class and many different educational backgrounds. This diversity makes for interesting discussion and sharing of ideas.

For this week, share your ideas on motivation with other students in this course.

Please read Chapter 1 in CollegeScope before commenting on any of these questions. You can also write or ask questions about anything related to college and career success or comment on others students' postings. Remember to make 2 postings of 100 words minimum for each posting to get the full 20 points for the blog this week. Postings for this week are due before 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, August 31.
1. How do you motivate yourself to be successful?
2. Are there some new ideas on motivation in Chapter 1 that you find interesting or helpful?
3. If you are thinking about dropping this class or dropping out of college, how can you motivate yourself to continue?
4. What are some roadblocks to your success and how can you overcome them?
5. Read comments posted by other students. Are any of their ideas useful to you?

You can also write anything about your experience in starting college or beginning this course. 


  1. How do you motivate yourself to be successful?
    I am a self-motivator. Simply put I am my harshest critic and the last one to give myself any credit for my accomplishments. I am driven to do my best where there is a chance to be graded or scored on a scale. My education is my responsibility and I accept the challenge each class presents. I use my past success as a foundation for what I feel I can accomplish. One thing I will never consciously do is set myself up for failure. By that I mean I will never take on a task I know I cannot complete. I will not sign up for calculus, knowing I have no idea how to do that level of math.

  2. What are some roadblocks to your success and how can you overcome them?
    My biggest roadblock to success is myself. I have a bad habit of convincing myself that I am not capable of my idea of success. The problem with that is success is a personal determination. No two people view success or failure the same way. I spent 21 years in the Navy and felt my career was very successful. I do not have the same sense of success since I retired. The main reason is lack of a meaningful career. Another roadblock for me is a sense of failure or not being good enough. I have two Masters Degrees and have not been able to find a job that allows me to utilize them. I am still working on a solution to overcome this roadblock.

    1. I like your comments about being a self-motivator. Ultimately this is the best way to be successful. You have lots of great experience and education, but retirement has become an opportunity to reinvent yourself. This is a difficult process, but a rewarding one. Take some time to explore your personal strengths and how they match the world of work. Taking this course is a good beginning. Best wishes to you!

  3. I think of myself as a self motivator I love to push myself to the limit and succeed. I also enjoy pushing and helping other people achieve their goals. I tend to love challenges and except them all cause I believe if you put your mind to and you really want it you CAN achieve it. Some things that tend to get in my way of success are events that come up my want to just lay on the beach and tan all day or just the freedom of giving my mind a break. I really enjoyed the reading I love the idea of rewarding yourself after every online session. I know will tell myself and my dogs that when I am done we will take a nice run on the beach and I tell you I can smell the beach every time. I also like the idea of checking Monday the weekly assignments and schedule time throughout the week to do them instead of stressing the night before. I am queen procrastinator and I am trying my hardest to work on it. This is my first time ever talking online classes seems a little tricky but nothing I can't handle so I am really looking forward to using some of those motivational tips. I tend to put a lot on myself to show I can handle it I work full time and am mobile with my job I also am in school full time and my workout schedule is just like clocking in at work. I feel a lot of the times I work better under pressure when I have to much time on my hands I tend to wander into things I don't need to do instead of focusing on the priorities.I know I will be successful in this class just can't wait to see the path to get there!

  4. I am glad that you are looking at this course as a challenge that you can achieve. You have discovered a great tip for success. Begin the reading early in the week and don't wait until the last minute to do the assignments. This tip is especially helpful for online students. Keep up the good work.

  5. I motivate myself to be successful by keeping my eyes on the prize, to put it simply. I remember why I am in college and what I am doing this for and it keeps me motivated. My future career and life goals are also obviously a huge reason for my motivation. Chapter 1 did teach me a few new interesting things about motivation that I will use. It is actually highly unlikely that I would drop this class or drop out of college, but if I was thinking about it then I would just remind myself of how my future would be without a degree compared to it with a degree.

  6. Come to think of it I don't really have any roadblocks to my success right now. It is only my first semester of college and nothing has been too difficult or impossible to achieve yet. I presume I might have some roadblocks in the future, like when I transfer to SDSU, or try to get a job after I get my major. Education is a big deal to me and I don't take my studies lightly. I don't like to procrastinate and I get the job done. Nothing is in my way of school right now because I am highly motivated to finish Cuyamaca as soon as possible so I can go to a University and get my major.

  7. Where do I start. I have not been to school in over 30 years. There are so many challenges that I am facing right now. I am highly motivated to figure out all of the things that are being introduced to me. Blackboard, College Scope and My Math Lab are all getting a lot of attention from me lately. I like new challenges and learning new things. I think I picked my class schedule to allow me to stay strong in all of my classes and be able to do well without getting overwhelmed or quitting. So far so good. If I find myself slipping or losing momentum I will turn to my family for encouragement. They are all very supportive of my decision to return to school.

    1. Welcome back to college. As long as you like challenges and learning new things, you will do fine.

  8. In order to keep my motivation I have a variety of things that I can remember to spur myself on. As my main goal for attending college is to assure that I will get a well paying job in the future one thing I can do to keep myself motivated is think about all the perks I will get for not giving up half way. One other thing I often remind myself of is that if I quit half way through then all the money spent on tuition, gas, and textbooks will have completely gone to waste and wasting money is something I was taught to always avoid if possible. So in short I keep my motivation by reminding myself of the gains for completion as well as the losses of quitting.

  9. There were several interesting new things I learned while reading through chapter one of the textbook, one of which is that I am apparently a rather negative person. While I knew the importance of positive thinking in some far off part of my brain I did not truly understand effect such thoughts could have on your performance, and even your day to day life. Since reading the advantages of wording things in a less negative life I have actively started trying to adjust my thought process from "I won't
    " to "I will" and though there haven't been many differences I have noticed myself beginning to think of things in a slightly more positive light.

    1. Keep thinking positively and taking the steps to achieve your goals and you will be successful.

  10. I think to myself as a self motivator, and always pushing myself to do better. I love helping others and always doing the best I can. I am in college because I wanna pursuit my dreams, be educated, and start my life as an independent women. Chapter one taught me a lot about motivation, and I will use throughout my life in college. I don’t think I will drop out of this class or college. I think its important for everyone to get an education, and always do what they can to be successful. I’m sure that I will have doubts along the way, but with motivation I know I can overcome those doubts. I’m really excited to continue and learn more everyday.

  11. If you are thinking about dropping this class or dropping out of college, how can you motivate yourself to continue?
    Let’s say that I was going to drop out of school, I would tell myself that it will not get me too far in life. I will not live my dream how I wanted to. My family and friends would be very upset at me and my smaller self. My family and friends has always been there supporting me. In my family I will be the first person to graduate with a college degree unless my sister passes me up. By getting a degree in my hands my parents and friends will be proud of me. Last of all, I will like to show the children that I watch to never give up on your dreams; fight through everything that you got.

  12. How do you motivate yourself to be successful?
    There are many ways that a college student can be successful. One of the topics that I learned about in the textbook was locus of control. When I knew that I had control over my life I really started to put effort into my studying. Another a great motivation for me is giving myself rewards. My favorite reward to give myself is dancing. This really helps me to study hard and it gets me to exercise. The last thing that helps me to be successful are my parents. They are always there supporting me every step of the way. I had a really big roadblock in my life a couple of years ago, but my parents were there for me whenever I needed them.

    1. Hi Sapphire, I totally agree with rewarding yourself after completing something because I do the same. I usually reward myself with something small that I can do right after finishing my homework or any assignment. I also learned from the chapter that for rewards to be most effective they should be received right after completing something. I usually go with rewards such as movies, going out to eat, swimming, and activities that I enjoy doing.

  13. One more week down and I am getting used to being back in school. I am trying to stay ahead of my assignments and this is helping me to keep from getting overwhelmed. I have a few big assignments that are going to be due soon and I plan on spending time this weekend working on them. I still need to work on managing my time better. I think It is really important for me to attend all of classes on campus. I don't want to get behind and there is so much information covered in every class. All of these things will help keep me motivated. Happy Labor Day everyone :)

    1. Starting college can be overwhelming. Just take it a day at a time completing your assignments and you are on your way to graduation.

  14. As of right now, I don't have any roadblocks. I know I can overcome anything if I just study or try a little harder. I know in the future I will have roadblocks cause every semester will get harder. I'm really looking forward to starting my life as a college student and learning daily. I know when I start my life at SDSU things will more difficult, but with motivation and faith I'll be able to be the a successful college student, and work hard. Taking risks is something I love. Getting my degree in Nursing is something that I’m super excited for. I know in a couple more years I'll be graduating, and that just makes me so happy. I'm excited to start chapter two and continuing to learn more and more.

  15. Before I do anything I look at the situation at hand, I am a big picture kind of person. From that point on I think about what would be best not only for myself but for those around me including my loved ones. I find consequences motivational in addition to success. I am pretty self motivated because of my perspective on situations. In Chapter 1 it talks about rewarding yourself along with constancy. I liked the thought of constancy because eventually I know it will pay off. Next time I am looking to break or try a new habit I plan to refer back to the rewarding and constancy techniques shared in Chapter 1.

  16. If I ever were to think of dropping out of college I would be able to motivate myself to continue in several different ways. I would first remind myself of the better career options that automatically come with going to college. Secondly I would remind myself that I am going through college one baby step at a time, like climbing a mountain.In addition I would not let myself forget that persistency pays off, that you fail when you stop trying.
    Some difficulties to my success are a multiple things. The first being money. It is expensive to go to college and I cannot afford to go on the income that my family has. Luckily, I applied for Financial Aid and qualified for it. Another major difficulty I am facing is not knowing what I want my major to be. I can change that difficulty by talking to a counselor and doing research on my options and what I would be best at.

    1. This is the perfect course for you. We do a lot of work to help you to decide on a major. Once you have a major, it is easier to stay motivated.

  17. How do you motivate yourself to be successful?

    I think the biggest thing for me is to be as positive as I can with whatever I am striving to accomplish. Theres those time where I feel like giving up and thinking "this is to difficult". I catch myself doing that and tell myself to stay positive. Remember why I first started my goal, and and how Im getting closer and closer to reaching it every time. You can either be your biggest supporter or your worst enemy.

  18. What are some roadblocks to your success and how can you overcome them?

    The biggest roadblock I have during this time in my life is figuring out what I want to pursue. In 10 years I would like to be able to wake up, and go to work and exited doing something I enjoy. Something I love and have passion for. I haven't found that yet. This is my third semester at Cuyamaca, going part time. Before I started college, I had heard about this class and thought about taking it for a while but never came around to it. I am hoping that by taking this class, I gain a little more insight about my strengths and my weaknesses. What I might be good at, and some good skills that will be able to help me throughout life. I think I still have a lot to learn about myself that Im not even aware of.

    Another roadblock is finding a good balance between work, school, and a social life (Not particularly in that order). It difficult to want to be able to do everything, but there's only so little time in a day. Yet, I want to move out so I have to work all week, so it effect my school work. Vise versa. All these things come into play. And Im trying to find a better way to balance everything.

  19. Consider delaying your decision to move out. Paying rent will cause you to work many hours and you will have less time for school. Many students drop out or delay graduation because of working too many hours.

  20. How do you motivate yourself to be successful?

    When I took the Do What You Are assessment motivation was the strongest quality I had. This is my second year of college and I have more motivation now then I ever had, after reading chapter 1 it just made me that much more motivated to be successful. What keeps me motivated even when it seems impossible is telling myself it will all be worth it in the end. If i have a positive mind set and stay motivated while in school one day shortly I will have a career that I love and enjoy and also being able to someday start and family and support them and not live pay check to pay check.

  21. I think my motivation really lies on two things the first is obtaining a job after college that makes me happy, doesn't keep me away from my family to much and pays substantially good. The second part of my motivation is to be a role model for my children, I want them to have at least one parent that is a college graduate and I also I would feel good about myself if i accomplished a degree and that would show to my children.
    The most interesting thing that I took away from the motivation part of this chapter was locus control and this is a area that I will be working on in my personal life along with college life. I really want to have full control of my own destiny and stop blaming things around me as hindering my success. Beside this flaw I do not see anything at this point in my life that would keep me from dropping out of college. This is my second round at college and I intend to finish it this time. There is one road block that I will have to face next semester and that is that I am pregnant right now and will be delivering around feb-march. I have already started to plan ahead and I will be meeting with a counselor on Tuesday to find out what classes I have left to transfer then I can see what classes I will be able to take online next semester. I love everyones positive remarks about finishing school that we can be our biggest supporter or worst enemy but its in us, or that all things come into play, this is great and the energy everyone has. I like hearing everyone is inspired for their own reason and so am I and I hope that just like I am inspired to finish that we all do great things.

    1. Welcome back to college. Being pregnant can be a challenge, but online courses work well.

  22. Are there some new ideas on motivation in Chapter 1 that you find interesting or helpful?

    Something I found very interesting while reading about motivation in chapter 1 was the different types of careers matched with the salary amount for someone that has different levels of degrees. Now days without a college education you have to be very very lucky to find a career you enjoy that pays decent. I feel as if its become very completive at least in the nursing field. People with a associates in nursing have no chance its people with bachelors and higher that are getting jobs faster after college, although it may be a few more years of schooling in the long run it is definitely going to pay off.

  23. How do you motivate yourself to be successful?
    I have self confident which makes do any thing impossible. I like to work hard on anything that will feed me to accomplish my successful. I always remind myself that college is very important than anything, and I have to keep my eyes on it so I can earn my achievements. The most important things in my life goals are to be proud of my self and earn the best job I deserve which will keep motivated. Chapter 1 helped me a lot to me focused on college more than before, It is impossible for me to drop my classes because I know if that happened I might lose a great opportunity to get a good job.

  24. What are some roadblocks to your success and how can you overcome them?
    The most roadblock I have during this time in my life is what I really want to achieve and how I am going to achieve in my career. But just like what I mentioned that I have self confident which I believe that I can overcome anything if I work hard on it and also believe in my self that I can do it. Things will get herder in my life, but this how it is so I am going to work hard on my self so I can achieve all my goals. the reason why I want to know what I want to achieve is because I have so many things just like my English major which I try worker on it to accomplish it. Another roadblock for me is how I am going to achieve my dreams because it is to hard to accomplish what I want but I got to try my best to do it.

  25. How do you motivate yourself to be successful?
    I motivate my self to be successful by thinking ahead, knowing what I want to do in my life and setting my mind on it. I know that I can do anything I believe I can do because the sky is the limit and I have no restrictions. My mom also motivates me because she always tells me that she wants me to do better in life than what she did, as was mentioned in chapter 1, and I want to show her that I can be the best I can be in and make her proud. And when I'm older I would like my kids to be better than me and be a role model for them. I know that I have a will to push myself as hard as I can and I will. Don't try to hold yourself back because you are your own worst enemy.

  26. If you are thinking about dropping out of this class or dropping out of college, how can you motivate yourself to continue?
    If I was deciding to drop out of this class or college I would motivate myself to stay by thinking about my future. Dropping out of college would not benefit me in anyway. I want my family to be able to have what they need and not be able to worry about financial problems. I know what I want in my life and that is a successful job. I would also like to show my whole family that I did it and I never gave up. I know life gets hard sometimes but I would rather work at a job where I do not have to work so many hours to get a decent paycheck every two weeks.

  27. What are some roadblocks to your success and how can you overcome them?
    One huge roadblock for me is that I want everything; to move out, have a good paying job, finish school within a short amount of time, afford my car payments, and have somewhat of a social life; but I realize that I cant have all of that because there just isn't enough time in the day. I struggle balancing everything I have to get done I have noticed that it is often my school work that suffers and I recently had to make the tough decision to postpone moving until I can better afford it. I have begun keeping a planner/calendar in the past few weeks and have noticed that this helps me overcome my procrastination and time management issues. I pencil in every hour of my day and budget time for studying, work, spending time with friends, and having some quiet time to myself. It was difficult to adjust to at first, but after a few weeks I have realized that with all of the things that I need to remember and get done this is the only way I can succesfully do them all. This also has helped me not feel overwhelmed and stressed out because I have already budgeted time to do all of the extra things that I want to do.

    1. It is a wise decision to postpone moving out. If you have to pay rent, you will have to work more and have less time for school.

  28. Are there some new ideas on motivation in Chapter 1 that you find interesting or helpful?
    I am extremely critical of myself expecially when it involves my education and schoolwork. Often I notice that I am very negative and hard on myself when I submit a paper that I know is not my best work, or get a bad grade on an assigment. After reading the chapter I have tried to focus more and more on correcting that and approching my education in a more positive way, and not being as critical on myself. I have also begun rewarding myself for completing assignments and have noticed that it is easier for me to sit down and work on schoolwork. By telling myself that I can have something I want, but only if I finish a paper or assignment, it becomes easier to finish and I find myslef getting it done quicker and with less distractions.

    1. Start on your assignments early to do your best work. Aim for excellence rather than perfection. Perfection is too stressful.

  29. How do you motivate yourself to be successful?
    I motivate myself to be successful by staying positive in every situation that arises in my life. There will be days where I am highly motivated to continue working towards my success and there are days that I will be lazy or not in the mood but I change that by thinking about the outcome or reward. If you want to be successful in something then just imagine the end reward and how happy you will be when you achieve what you want. I just started college and whenever I encounter a hard assignment I just think about getting that A in the course and I work harder on the assignment to do better.

  30. How do i motivate myself to be successful? I try to always think about my future and how i want to be successful. I like to try and think positive and not let negative thoughts about my life get in the way. I try and think about the twelve years of school that i already attended and how it would be a waste to not pursue my education any further. I look at a lot of people and see how they have wasted amazing opportunities to help improve their future, but they just pass those opportunities up because they think it is not the best decision for the present.

  31. What are some roadblocks to your success and how can you overcome them? After graduating high school i did not continue my education. i took two years off to goof off and have fun, but now that I am back in school I am realizing it is hard to get focused just on school after being away from that type of environment for that long. I need to get used to the routine of doing my homework, showing up to class, an actually try to do my best on my work.

  32. If I was thinking about dropping this class or dropping out of college I would say to myself look how far you have gotten, if you drop out of college now, you won’t it get far in the future. I won’t get my dream job that I always wanted. Then I would talk to my friends and family why I’m thought about dropping out of school and I know they will help me get back on track. If I do decide to drop out I know there are people in my life that would be upset with me if I do drop out of school. I know there are going to be obstacles in college but I will keep myself motivated.

  33. Then I was reading the first chapter of the text book I learned if you want to stay motivated you need to think positive thoughts and say to yourself I can do whatever I but my mind to and don’t think negative thoughts because you won’t get far in life if you think negative all the time. There are so many different kinds of salaries out in the world there are jobs that pay really good and there are jobs that pay average and there are jobs that don’t pay you much of anything. If you have a college degree you have a better chance to get the job that you always wanted to have. So stay in college and you will have a better future.

  34. Ways that I motivate myself to become successful is thinking about the future and what i want to achieve. I always say that if you really believe that you can do something and continue to tell yourself that you can do it, that it will eventually happen. If you are willing to work enough for what you want then I believe you can achieve it. I also want to prove to my friends, family, and most importantly to myself that I can and will become successful. In the future I want to look back and know that I worked hard for all the successes that I hopefully achieve.

  35. Some roadblocks of my success is that I want to finish school as fast as I can which means taking a lot of classes. Although this is my first semester of college, all I can think about is moving on to state, so taking 15 units this semester seems a bit overwhelming. I can overcome this issue by really focusing on what I want and also evening out my workload. It is important that I get all my work done with good order and staying organized. Another roadblock is that I want to do well in school but I also want to maintain my social life. Ways that I can do well in school and still balance my social life is by getting all my work done ahead of time instead of procrastinating. This will also result in maintaing a more organized and steady workload.

    1. Sounds like a good plan. Use your social life as a reward for getting all your school work done.

  36. I motivate myself to become successful by thinking about my future and thinking about what is most important to me. I think of the way I want to live my life and think of the goals that I want to accomplish. I know that an important way to be successful in life is by graduating college. So, I put in effort and I work hard now knowing that I will be rewarded later on in the future and that it will all pay off. I will look back later and I will be proud of myself for getting a degree and that satisfaction that I will have is what motivates me. The success, money, cars, and luxury things don't hurt either.

  37. After reading chapter one, I learned a lot of ways that I can keep myself motivated and working hard. One way is to reward myself after doing schoolwork. If I know there is a new show that I want to watch on T.V. I will make sure to study and finish my homework, and then reward myself by watching my show. Another motivation idea that I got out of reading chapter one is to always think positively. I sometimes tend to think negatively or think, "I don't want to be doing this right now." I have learned to change the way I think about homework and studying and start thinking, "This will make me successful."

  38. Motivation is very important to think about it in each step of our career goal. I always motivate myself of thinking about any situation in a positive way. Reaching my goal needs a hard work and it needs my positive reaction to become successful in what I am believing in. I set a plan for my career so I can go by this plan and whatever obstacles I might face, I try to motivate myself that I can face it and overcome this situation. Motivating myself is the best key to my success. I cannot overcome my fears without motivation. I try to think about everything positively because it makes me smile and think that I will be rewarded for my hard work.

  39. Sometimes, when I face a problem and it gets very hard to do my work, I just think of dropping my classes for stop going to college because I get hopeless and think negatively. In other hand, I get into deep thinking of what am I going to do if I drop out of college. What kind of job will I be working? Will I make good money? Well these kind of thinking make me realize that if I do not achieve my goal and get educated, I will not have a good future, job, or life. I motivate myself with positive thinking that getting my education is the most important thing to do in my life. Dropping classes for college will not make me an educated person and have a good job in the future. Education is my weapon to have a good job, future, and life.

  40. I find it difficult to obtain motivation. Honestly, I can be a procrastinator but I am working on this by understanding what it is to be motivated. Motivation is action and whether a person succeeds or fails depends upon the fire within them. I would like to see myself on task, organized, and having the will power to prioritize class work over some aspects of my social life. Acquiring good motivational skills is an important influence to me. My daily motivators, who are my friends and family continue to expand and assist me to create positive energy and new ideas. Staying on task, positive, and goal oriented is my objective. I would like to acquire good motivational skills that include interesting and organized workloads. Through accomplishing these goals and acquiring good motivational skill, I can then inspire others to do the same.

  41. A method of motivation I found helpful from the book is taking tasks one step at a time in order to feel less overwhelmed. I feel that when we successfully accomplish something we feel gratification. Large difficult become manageable when they are broken down into smaller parts. Also, the advice on major selection was something that I could relate to. When I chose my major I chose something that interested me and was in line with the things I enjoyed. Another valuable piece of advice was that we should align our goals with our personal values. It is powerful to believe that the things we want to accomplish will make us better people, because once we get them done we will feel a strong sense of accomplishment.

  42. After reading several of my fellow classmates posts, I have come to terms that motivation is definitely key in my success. Through pursuing my goals and persevering through barriers, I can accomplish anything I set my mind to. I also read that by not staying on task and not being motivated you can fall behind which leads to time, effort, and money being wasted. I see my education as an important value and should take it serious. In conclusion, what I put into something is what I am going to get out of it.

    1. I agree with you motivation plays an important role to success. I can relate your ending to a car. For example, you put in alot of gas and that is what you are driving on.

  43. We will all eventually encounter roadblocks in our paths; it is part of life. Learning to overcome them is what will eventually help us succeed. We cannot let our failures define us because they are not indicators of what we will accomplish if we do not give up. My primary challenge with school trying to keep a balance while having a full time job. Managing both areas can at times be difficult. I don't like feeling like I have to neglect one thing for another. I overcome this by not taking on too much. If I occasionally forget to do something minor or miss a minor assignment I try not to beat myself up and dwell. There are times when I do feel overwhelmed and taking it one step at a time really helps.

    1. I like your statement about not letting failures define us. Good job! Working full time is a challenge. Just attend school part time, about 6 units, and you will reach your goal.

  44. I enjoyed reading through the first chapter, I found the motivation types section to be both interesting and helpful to me, in particular the "achievement motivation" and "using a reward" sections. I enjoyed reading about motivation through competition because as a result, I feel more secure about the ways I'm motivated. What's more, I plan to employ the "using a reward" motivation technique to complete my school work early in the week; my reward immedietly following the completion of an assignment will be allowing myself to spend time on my phone.

  45. Everyone needs motivation to get to the level that they want to be at. Motivation is the fuel to success, it keeps you driven and when you think you can't do it that is when motivation says," Yes you can". I come from a family of struggle. My family right now is having financial problems with bills to pay, car note, and etc. All I hear from my mom is don't let my hard work for you go to waiste. She mainly means that she wants me to become successful and have a better life then she did. I am motivated through not having nothing. I want to have something that I know I can get like a porshe. I know never in a million years my parents can afford that. I've had pain in me since the day I was born sad to say. I know one day I'll turn my pain into greatness. Whenever things happen that I can't anticipate I try to think of something to keep me strong such as my pain. While reading chapter 1 it made me realize that my parents motivate me and become better and successful is what I want. Some may think pain is weakness but I believe it is part of the product. Pain is a motivation that keep lead me to a better life because I've already seen what being broke is all about. And I want different.

    1. Pain can be turned into strong motivation. Think about what you want for the future and take the steps to get there.

  46. Roadblocks are things stopping an individual to become greater. I believe in overcoming roadblocks. There will never be something stopping me to become better. I want to be the best I can be. In my life I've had encounter many roadblocks which I've overcame slowly but surely. My family is not rich so sometimes there is no money to pay bills, so sometimes the money I make I give it to my mom to pay bills. However, sometimes that leaves me broke with having no money to pay for gas. So sometimes I just walk to school or beg one of my friends to pick me up. I hate that feeling. But with 4G ad blocks I just try to always find always around, over, under or through it. I think of it as a red light at a certain point but it will eventually turn green which means to go. It is mainly all about having patience. By being patient roadblocks are easy to overcome.

  47. How do you motivate yourself to be successful?

    Being motivated to be successful is a hard task and it takes time and work too. I am generally not a big fan of college and the routine that comes with it from having to do the homework or having to go to the campus. Therefor, I have created for myself two motivation objects to give me a reason to do it. One of these motivations is by going on my goal, which is to graduate and work in the major that I am attending school for. Obviously, if I do not do good in college I'm not going to graduate and and my dream will vanish. Another motivation object that I have created for myself is being more educated. School is for education, that is a known fact, of course; therefore, I it became a motivation for me to go to college and learn. These two motivation objects don't only work for college path, but they pretty much work along in my life too to be successful.

  48. Are there some new ideas on motivation in Chapter 1 that you find interesting or helpful?

    I always try to look for new ideas of motivation to help me be more successful in college. While I was reading the first Chapter of this course I came across an idea that seemed interesting to me. This idea was to create a specific time for each day to study. This specific time of studying will create a new habit. This new habit will start come up if you try to study everyday for at least one hours in constant system to force the mind to think that studying is part of life. As the Chapter has stated: this habit will not be easy to make; the most important thing is to not give up the first ten days because they are the hardest days. After the first ten days are over, the habit will come up and be a semi-habit and through out time studying will become a habit in mostly two months.

  49. After reading about the different motivation types I believe I most closely identify with students who are achievement-motivated. Reading this particular segment was very exciting for me, I never thought of my "competitive" nature as possibly serving as a healthy motivator in life. Unfortunately, my personal motivation through competition is often fueled by other people's words and actions. For example, when it's my turn to clean the house, if someone reprimands me, my ego is wounded and I am able to fly through my chores; if I'm left to my own accord, it takes about twice as long for me to accomplish anything, and sometimes the job doesn't get done. This is a major setback and roadblock in my life-- it suggests an unbalanced external locus point of control, and that I would do well to internalize. I can start doing so by managing my "internal distractions"-- focusing on the present, resisting temptstion to do the "easy" or "lazy" thing, and by finding simple rewards for myself after doing a job well done on my own.

  50. I motivate myself by keep in touch with studying and whenever I find myself being alone I try to be busy reading a story or do some math work so that I find myself doing some educational project. Although keeping busy with some school work motivate me a lot through writing and learning new words so that I enhance myself toward the next level of education. Meanwhile motivating myself to be successful is that I know that one day is going to be treated well toward my future and I try to motivate myself because I see that people that have done schooling where they have ending up.

  51. I found that there are new ideas in chapter one that can motivate me and I found it interesting to me and helped me to realize education is important in our life so that we can make easy money in short amount of hours and less work and have much free time to do some other activity such sport or go shopping etc… . eventually I am not thinking of dropping college but there are some roadblock to me which is I see in my case whenever am moving in a higher in education it seems it’s getting harder I try to find some tutor that help me a lot with my work and it becomes much easier for me.

  52. I can find motivation within myself by having the understanding that my actions determine my success. I can take accountability and stay focused on my responsibilities. I can try to think more positively when I run into concepts that I am having a hard time understanding. Because time is the most valuable component of my day. I think it is necessary to develop a plan so that I can keep my commitments when my workload is heavy. I need to implement a calendar that not only breaks down my assignment due dates but also the hours in the day that I need to commit to my homework.

  53. Some of the major roadblocks to my success that seem to be ever present are time management and staying in the moment. Although time is limited, I believe that I can overcome this roadblock by documenting the hours I have away from work. I need to set up a type of priority list and focus on objectives with highest priority. I think this will also help with staying in the moment. I believe that scheduling will help me manage external and internal distractions. External distractions being family, dinner, chores,etc. Internal being work stress, financial stress, family stress and so on.

  54. How do you motivate yourself to be successful?
    I motivate myself to be successful in many different ways such as keep looking forward for a better future through education. Always remember my big goals that i should achieve in order to live a happy life. Never forget the hard nights that i spent in High School, so i can graduate. Also by pushing myself to do my best and never give up because at the end their will by a big reward that I can share with my family and I. Over more I try to always think positively that even if I struggle and get to the point that their is no more hope, there will always be a solution that will even make my life better than before.


  55. 4. What are some roadblocks to your success and how can you overcome them?

    Some roadblocks to my success are the tough moments that will lead me to stop believing in myself. The way that I can overcome them is by sharing my negative thoughts with my closest best friend, that can help gain my confidence. The second way is by focusing only in my H.W and stop thinking about my problems until the moment that I will fill myself with the positive thoughts and gain the strength to deal with them, with the right decisions.

  56. How do you motivate yourself to be successful?

    I motivate myself to be successful by looking at where my life is without a college education and where it could be with a college education. Another huge motivator for me is my son. I want to be able to give him a good childhood and be able to give him a house, take him on vacations and other things that children should be able to experience. I know the value of an education. I know that a college degree is not only to get me a job that will pay the bills but also give me the opportunity to do something that I love. (WC 105)

  57. Are there some new ideas on motivation in Chapter 1 that you find interesting or helpful?

    I thought that Chapter one had a lot of good ideas on motivation. I like the idea about finding something interesting in my studies. If I can make my work interesting then it will feel less like work and more like something enjoyable and I will in turn do better on the assignment. I also like the idea about improving my concentration. I have a hard time concentrating; I cannot work with any background noise like the T.V., people talking, music, etc. If I can find a quiet place to study, I think it will improve the overall quality of my work. (WC 102)
