Monday, September 1, 2014

Chapter 2, Exploring Your Personality and Major

I was inspired reading all your blog posts on motivation.  Motivation sets the stage for success.  Many of you mentioned careers and the economy as motivators for going to college.  You are more likely to be employed and to like your career if you have an education.  One of the keys to success is what you do on a daily basis, so do a little of your homework each day and it all adds up to success.  

Chapter 2 began with the Do What You Are (DWYA) personality assessment which has a 4 letter code used to summarize your personality type based on your answers in the assessment.  For example, my code is ISTJ which stands for introvert, sensing, thinking and judging type. 

Posting 1:

Choose one of your letters and write 100 words about this aspect of your personality focusing on the positives of your type. Remember that one personality type is not better than any other.  Each type has different talents that can be useful in your personal or career life.  You may think that you are a combination of 2 different types.  It is OK to describe your unique combination. 

Here is a sample of about 100 words:

Based on the DWYA, I am a judging type.  I know that this is true because I can only feel relaxed when things are orderly and organized.  I plan my work and think about priorities when managing my time which helps me to accomplish my goals.  I even plan out my vacations in advance and like to have everything planned so I can relax and have fun.  I have met some opposite types in my lifetime and try to appreciate their differences.  I have found that perceptive types can usually introduce an element of fun in the situation and they motivate me to be a little more spontaneous at times.  I’m still most comfortable with my plans and don’t like to change them.

Posting 2:

Read another student’s posting who has the same personality type as yours and write a response to their post.

Here is a sample response of about 100 words:

I am a judging type also.   I could relate to your need to be orderly and organized.  I generally plan my time and like to have all my things organized.  I get stressed when things are out of order.  I have also met some perceptive types and I have to admit that they drive me a little crazy.  I like your idea of appreciating their differences and just trying to have fun with them.  I know that these opposite types think I am too set in my ways.  Being a judging type has lots of positives.  I plan to major in accounting and this seems to be a natural fit for my personal strengths. 

Just as a quick review, here is a brief definition of all types on DWYA.  Please review these definitions before you make your comments.

Introvert: private, likes quiet for concentration, likes to think before speaking
Extravert: social, likes variety, sometimes speaks before thinking
Sensing: works step-by-step, learns from experience, trusts what is concrete and certain
Intuitive: values imagination and innovation, focus on possibilities, creative and imaginative
Thinking: calm and objective, makes decisions based on logic, analyzes emotions, likes debate
Feeling: makes decisions based on personal values, values empathy and harmony, caring, emotional
Judging: orderly, organized, work first and play later, follows a routine, meets deadlines (Note: it does not mean to judge others!)

Perceptive: spontaneous, go with the flow, play first and do the work later, dislike routine, difficulty meeting deadlines


  1. Based on the DWYA, I am an extrovert. I am not shy in any situation, although I may wait for a strategic place to enter a conversation. As a retired Navy Chief, being shy would not have been a good thing. I have no issue speaking up and starting a discussion. On occasion, I have gotten myself into some hot water because I spoke to soon or said the wrong thing. I want people around me to feed off the energy I add to the situation. In the classroom environment I am usually the first to speak or to give a presentation. One reason is to put others at ease, as many people never want to go first. I am not shy or scared to be in front of an audience, no matter the size.

    1. Hello there Ed, I can definitely relate to you in this situation as for me my test also showed that I am an extravert. I have always been the one to be not be shy and always want to share my energy with other. I tend to also get myself in trouble when speaking your mind I forget that not everyone is an extravert like us, so some things may be offensive to others. I just think if it needs to be said why not have me be the one to say it. And speak your mind so nobody thinks you are fake right? Our difference is in the classroom setting I thank you for being the one to volunteer to go first even though I'm outspoken and not shy I still don't like being the first one to present something in class although ,my public speaking class helped a little with that.

    2. Hi Ed. I too am an extrovert. I am also most likely to be the first one to speak up in class. I have not been to school in over 30 years and I am still getting used to it but that doesn't stop me from speaking up. I am really honest and sometimes I don't know when to keep things to myself. I have a lot of friends that are younger than I am but I run circles around most of them. I have a lot of energy. I like meeting new people. good luck to you in college.

    3. Hi Ed, Donetta, and Stephanie. Its great to read your responses. I too am an extrovert. I find it refreshing to know that I am not alone when it comes to speaking up. As a youngster, this trait was always getting me in trouble with my softer spoken siblings. I was continuously told to think before I speak. Ha Ha that was sometimes easier said than done. I enjoy being an extrovert. I like working as part of a group in high energy places. Solving problems with other extroverts can be exciting and fun. I also enjoy meeting new people and I respect other charasmatic extroverts like you. Take it easy and good luck to you all

  2. After taking the DWYA I came to realize I'm an extravert,This came to me as no surprise.I have always been a very social, loud, energetic person who definitely enjoys going out and doing everything at least once because life is too short. I love the part where it say tends to forget to think before speaking I unfortunately am the queen of this whenever you want the truth I'm your girl. I been trying to work on it because it can sometimes get me in trouble. I used to notice it a lot when I was younger with my mom I used to just speak the first thing on my mind and for the most part they weren't the best things to say out loud to your mother. I have loads of energy so I always have to be moving that's why I love working out, I don't know how to rest if i try to lay down to rest I feel as if i'm missing something. I tend to be quiet and observe but once i'm done which isn't very long you wont get me to shut up but it is definitely worth it or I don't think I would have as many friends as I do.

    1. My result on the Do What You Are was also an extravert, but it actually wasn't a surprise to me. Just like you said about yourself, I also have always been social, loud, and enjoy going out. I talk more than listen, am energized by social interaction, and socialize at parties. However, I disagreed with some of the qualities. I actually need quiet for concentration and I like to work alone without interruption. Another true thing is the part where it says tend to talk first and think later, because it happens often and I also need to work on it!

    2. After reading Donetta’s toping it seems to me that I relate to her toping and I am an energetic person you will always see me doing something and always like to be enjoying my time either at work or outside work because I think the life is short too and I have to find and seek for something that excite me during my life. I am loud too and I feel being loud helps me being strong most the cases. Regarding to what you say working out I find that it helps the brine memorizing thoughts and keep the body healthy as well get stronger and gain power.
      By the way I like your name.

    3. Hi Donetta,
      I am an extrovert and I can definitely relate to you. I am an outgoing person, and like making lots of friends. I am really thankful for that since I am a really social person, and not afraid of public speaking. I agree with you that I also sometime I get to speak without thinking and that get me in trouble. But I love that about my character because I feel that this is part of who I am. I appreciate to meet other extrovert people like you. Being an extrovert is really one good characteristic to have.

  3. According to the Do What You Are test I have the judging aspect, while I originally thought this meant I was judgmental it turns out that the meaning is completely different. What this means is that I need my environment to be nice and organized, creative chaos would drive me up the wall and not having a set schedule would cause me to be nervous about an entire outing. I also noticed that I try to be on time and even encourage others to get out of the house before they end up late for class or work. The DWYA test has helped me discover new facets of myself, and even understand why I do some of the things I do.

    1. I was thinking the same thing when I was told from the DWYA test that I was the Judging type. I was automatically like no way I don't judge people ever this can't be right. So i was pleased to read on and find that it is just someone who is organized and works better with schedules and being on time to things instead of being in a crazy rush all the time. Although I can't say that is always the case majority of the time it is. I agree with you on how this test really helped me realize why I do some of the things I do and made me feel better about my weaknesses and realize them and try a little to work on them every here and there.

    2. The Judging type was also one of the thing I am. I like you appreciate organization and a schedule. When things change though I adjust to them I get a little upset if they change more than once. I like to know what I am doing and my plans for the week. I also thought that the Judging type meant you were a judgmental person or something along those lines. People who play things by ear frustrate me at times because they will most often spring things on me and I don't like that. Although since I have a big family I have learned to get along with different personality types, or at least try to.

    3. Understanding personality type is a great way to understand and appreciate others who are different. It is especially useful in understanding family, friends and even business associates.

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  5. After taking the personality test I fell in the middle for quite a few of the options. For example, I was in the middle for Extrovert and Introvert. Though in chapter two it said most often a person feels more comfortable one way or the other, I would have to say if I had to chose I am more of an Introvert. I enjoy being around people I am close with though I also need time to myself at the end of the day. I am glad I fell in between an Extrovert an Introvert because I believe it is important to be a little bit of both depending on the circumstances.

    1. Hi Esther,
      I also besides being an introvert or extravert fell into the median of many of these personality types. For example the "judging" and "perceptive" type it showed that I was almost equaled out. I also agree with you its good to have a little bit of each personality to make up for all aspects of life. Im very Judging when it comes to school, but around my friends and family I'm more perceptive I think! Good luck with the class all personally types are awesome!

      Alexis S.

    2. It is good to be in the middle on these personality types since you have many different types of strengths. It makes it difficult to decide on a career however. Being in the middle helps you to be more flexible.

  6. Based on the Do What You Are, I am more of a "feeler" rather than a "thinker." What this basically means is that I base my decisions more on personal values than logic. I consider the effect on others, value empathy, and value being liked. I absolutely love when others appreciate me and anything I do for them. It just makes me feel happy knowing that I have made someone else happy. I am also good with remembering faces and names. I have friends that are more of thinkers, which adds logic to the friendship and gives it a great balance.

    1. Hey Tanya! I am also a feeler just like you. I love the feeling when you do something great for someone. It's the best feeling in the world and it creates a sort of comfort and warm feeling in your heart. You would rather make others happy before yourself and you put everyone first. I agree with you when you say that you consider effects on others and you care about being liked. I am also a very emotional person when it comes to romance movies or sad movies. I am glad I found someone who I can relate my personality type with.(:

    2. Hey Tanya, I value a lot of the same things that you do. I too consider how my actions will effect others, and value empathy and being liked. I hate hurting other peoples feelings and that is the last thing I would do. Based on the Do What You Are I fell right in between being a feeler and a thinker. That is because I also like being fair and logical. I like knowing the truth and I am motivated by achievement and accomplishment. Good thing your good at remembering faces and names because I am not so good at that.

    3. Hi Tanya, I am a feeler too and I can relate to almost everything you said with the exception that I am really bad with names. I think the thing that really stands out is how you mentioned that you and your thinker friends balance each other out. My husband is a thinker and sometimes when he reacts with more logic and less feeling he can come off a bit strong so I have to sometimes stop him before he speaks to remind him to use some compassion. The same goes the other way around and sometimes he helps me see things more logic so that I put my foot down to avoid people taking advantage of me.

    4. About 60% of women are feeling types and only 40% of men. It is helpful to understand the differences for men and women to have good relationships. Sounds like you have a good understanding of this, Yuriko.

    5. Hi Tanya, I am also a feeling type! I also base my personal decisions on my personal values rather than logic. I am a believer that you should always take other people's feelings in to consideration when making decisions. I think that logic can only go so far and the head doesn't make decisions as well as the heart. I completely agree with you about loving to do things for others and the happiness you get out of it. I am also extremely motivated by making other people happy. I also agree that having relationships with people who have opposite personality types can make for a nicely balanced relationship.

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  8. I am a ESFJ type personality. There wasn't really any doubt on most of the factors. In this blog I am going to talk about the characteristics that make me an extrovert. I love being around people. I like to talk a lot and meet new people. I am just now getting familiar with how this effects my study habits. I enjoy studying in groups and I seem to learn more when I can talk about it with several people. The downfall to being an extrovert is sometimes I talk before I think and sometimes I talk too much. I am mostly friendly though and like to help people.

  9. Based on the Do What You Think assessment my personality type is ESTJ. I would totally agree that I'm an extrovert. All throughout high school I have always been the "loud outspoken friend that says whats on my mind". Having an outgoing personality type for being a nurse will be very helpful, as your always talking with people about all different types of things. Also on the DWYA assessment it showed that I was a "Judging" type, rather then a "perceptive". These two were almost 50/50 I feel like even though it was more towards the judging type it all really comes down to the situation. When it comes to school I am defiantly the judging type I like to be super organized and always have details to homework assignments. When it comes to my personal life I feel as if I'm more perceptive and go with the flow, with my friends and family I do not have to have organized plans.

  10. According to the Do What You Think assessment my personality type is ESFJ. I believe in the fact that I was rated as a judging type. I like to complete assignments and everything before the day of. I cannot function when I have things on my mind to do. Ever since I have been little I have also followed a routine till this day. For school, I work on homework for an hour and thirty minutes, take a break and then continue to finish the rest and it has always been the same. I have a great management for time because I like to keep a calendar for school to organize myself a little better when I juggle work, soccer and school.

    1. Hello Brianna, I agree with your judger and extravert personalities. I usually procrastinate on assignments but I am well organized about them and finish them on time. As well as being an extravert type helps a lot for studying and meeting new people because you will at one point have to talk to them. I also think I should have been a feel type, cause I always think what is fair for the other person. But I always think on the logical side make that firm decision. I also agree about getting a planner to be more organized especially when having multiple things going on at once, just becomes too much to handle.

    2. Hi Briana, me and you are very alike. We both have to have things done on time, and being very organized. What really helps me is my whiteboard at home cause when I complete my assignment for that day or the next day, I can just erase it. I enjoy meeting new people as well, and helping others. I feel like you'd be the same. I think its great how we do the same things and are always on top of our work.. that will get us both successful throughout the college life.

  11. So the DWYT assessment says a lot of things that I fall in the middle of as if I am both? But I my personality type is ENTJ and I do agree with the assessments outcomes. I have always been outgoing since I was little and always had lots of friends. I have a very open friendly vibe that people like and trust and makes it easy to get along with others. I might be a little kick back some times but when it comes to assignments, best believe I get my work done. Keeping organized is a big thing for me as well. I have people telling me that I might have OCD sometimes because I clean their house and then some. Just a bad habit I guess? I should probably invest in a planner, but I usually just plan in my head because I am just so used to it. As far as going with a "gut feeling" that's definitely me. When in doubt, I just go with my gut thinks is right. Its works most of the time and other times I learn maybe that should not be left up to chance.

    1. Hi Javier, out of everyone in this class, I feel as though you and I can relate to each other in many similar ways. Although I was not always completely outgoing when I was younger, as soon I hit about the age of 15, that is when my real personality came out. I have many friends and absolutely love being around them and going out and being social. I can be a bit of a procrastinator but when it comes down to it, I always make sure that I get my work down. One thing we do not share is being organized. Even though I am not a complete slob, my life can get a bit messy sometimes, but I always make sure to get things organized... eventually.

  12. Based on my DWYT I am judging person, and I agree with that. I am very organized and when things aren't organized I get super frustrated. I'm always doing homework just to make sure things are done on time, to me that important. I have a white board in my room, with my daily routine and try to follow that as mush as I can. I plan out my week every Monday just so I can keep up with all my assignment, and I get use to what people say "the college life" three weeks have gone by and I feel like I'm getting the hang of my routine, and I feel like it will help me be a successful college student, and to me that is very important.

    1. Hi Michelle, I am also a total J! Simply put I enjoy a plan and sticking to that plan. I am not a huge fan of spur of the moment decisions and when that does happen I constantly second guess making them. I tend to fret over decisions but once they are made I am able to relax. In my personal life I want closure to be swift and the decisions I make directly lead me in that direction. Finally, my life is one big list, even to the point that I make lists to tell me what lists’ I need to make! Being organized is the main reason I have been able to complete two Masters Degrees. I hope my children can see how being an organized person can benefit them. Great post and good luck, I know you will succeed. You a J!

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    3. Hello Michelle, I am a judging type also. I could relate to your need to be very organized and when things aren't organized I get super frustrated. I strongly agree with you I always doing homework just to make sure things are done on time, this is very important to me just like you. Besides that, I like to have a special days so I can finish all my assignments on time. I also have a big room which is inspires me to do my assignments early. Nice post and wish you a good luck and success in your educational life.

    4. I agree that being a J is an advantage in college. The organization helps you to get assignments done on time. Keep in mind that not everyone is a J. The opposite perceptive types may need to learn more organization but they have an advantage in their ability to adapt to change.

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  14. According on my DWYT, I am judging person, and I strongly believe with that. I like to be organized and when when things goes unorganized I get so upset and mostly end up with a bad results. Also, I always try to do my homework on time so I can have time to do other things. I have own places to do my homework which is why I get inspired to get my assignments early. College is very important to me which is why I like to save a special hours just to get done my homework assignments early. Those things I mentioned are very important to me which they always makes me successful in college.

    1. I am also a judging type. I also like to be organized and get frustrated when plans do go as planned. I like to do my work the day that it is assigned so i do not procrastinate. Its good to have your own places to do your homework so you feel comfortable and you have a routine. I also feel like college is important so I can be successful in life. I like to keep things in order so I do not lose things. When decisions are made, I am happy and do not look back.

  15. Based on the DWYA, I am a extravert type. No surprise at all Most the time I don’t like to be alone and I try to be busy and active I find a lot of people and friends and we involve ourselves to activities like meeting or hanging out or sport; we always find something to do so that keep us active I call that as social. I enjoy parties because I get to see a lot of people, most the times I try to do some researches online and find some cool ideas that help me build the thoughts and keep me in touch with projects and basically I make it more easier when I ask around how to get the worthless time fly away.

  16. On DWYA I was an introvert I agree on the results that I reserve after taking the personality test I have always been a quite person but when I’m with my friends and family I can get pretty loud. On the personality quiz it also said that I’m a feeling person I do care about other people’s feels sometimes I keep thing to myself If know it will hurt there feeling. I have taken a personality quiz in high school but it wasn’t as dept and informational as the one I took on DWYA. There are day where I just what to me alone but there are day where I want to be an extravert it just depends on the day.

    1. Hey there Jasmine, I too got introvert on my DWYA results and I can completely relate to how you are usually quite but can get rowdy when with the right people. I also happened to get the feeling type as well and can relate to keeping things to myself if they may cause some issue with someone, though at times it is best that I tell them even if I know it may cause some strife. I often need to take a bit of time off from dealing with people in order to "recharge" or else I may end up getting a bit crabby and perhaps hurting someones feelings due to saying something I normally would not have.

  17. Based on the DYWA, I am the Sensor type. I agree that I am the sensor type because I am a realistic person and I am very good with common sense. I believe in what is here and now and I like to better myself based on whats happening now and what I already know. I am focused on the present and I'll deal with the future when the time comes. On the other hand, sometimes I wonder what is next and think about how something I do will effect my future. I am constantly torn between, "if its meant to be, it will be," and "if you want it, go get it."

    1. I am a sensing type also and think there are lots of strengths associated with this type. I focus on the present and try to make the most of each day. However I have learned to challenge myself to think about possibilities for the future.

  18. Based on the DYWA, I am a Judging type. I like to have have control in my life. I feel better when I have a handle of things. I like to be organized and when I am not I get really stress. I like to get my work done first and than have time to hang out with my friends. I do not like doing things last minute because some times I am too late on things. I like to set goals and work towards them. I get more motivation and helps drive me. I am focused on my goals.

    1. I am a judging type to. When we have control of are life we feel that we get a lot more done. I am organize freak or just has major ocd or cdo. We get stress because we do not know where thing are or know what we will be doing next. You have to work then have some fun time. When I work then have fun, I do feel more accomplish about myself. I do not like to do something at the late minute ether. And I dislike being late to somewhere. I have been setting my goals since I was in the 4th grade.

  19. Based on the Do What You Think assessment my personality type is ESFJ. I have an extrovert personality. I am very loud inside and out. When I laugh you can hear it a mile away or when I am walking you can hear me because I wear twelve bracelets on each arm. I enjoy talking to everyone around me. When I talk to people that come from all walks of life, I feel that I learn more from each of them. When there is activities at school and we have to go up in front of everyone I will be the person the will raise their hang right away. I love putting a smile on people faces. There are so many ways such as just being me, telling a really silly joke, or telling a funny story that happened to me. I have an amazing power where I can read people when they are mad to when they are happy.

    1. Hi Sapphire, I have an extrovert type too. We have a very similar personality as you were describing your loud laugh, I felt that you're describing me.Because in my classrooms I was always that person that had the loudest laugh you can ever hear in your life that made feel embarrassed many times, but i just couldn’t help it. Also I am the type of person that when I walked in School hallways I see a friend their and their, I give a high five to one friend and say Hi to the person behind him. I just love being in large groups and as you mentioned to always learn a special thing from each person.

  20. According to the DWYA assessment, my personality type is ISTJ. I am an introvert. I am very reserved and take time to warm up to people. I tend to think through my actions and dont speak unless I think what I have to say is important. I have a small group of friends that I feel comfortable with and they are some of the only people I can trust. I need at least an hour or two of quiet "me time" every day to think through my day or recharge. When it comes to my schoolwork, I dont need peace and quiet necessarily, but I need to be in an environment tha tis controlled by me. Sometimes I have my headphones in and sometimes I need absolute quiet, but if there is too much going on around me I cannot focus.

    1. Hey Samantha I'm also a introvert too.It gets me a while to get to know a person too.I completely relate about having a small group of friends that I can trust and sometime I just need to be alone and gather my thoughts. it depends on whether I need quite or not.

    2. Hi Samantha, I am an introvert type too and its funny how I am the same way when it comes to speaking around people. I usually listen to the conversation and think about what I am going to say before I say it and I only speak if it is something important or something good to add to the conversation. I am the same way when it comes to doing homework too or any work. I do my homework or other work either at home in my room or at my brother's office. If I am at his office and my other cousins show up then I can't work because they distract me so I can go in another room at the office and lock the door so I can work without being tempted to do something else until I finish my work.

    3. Out of everyone I think we are the closest in personality type and I can relate to everything you are saying. I feel that I often give off strange first impressions because I don't immediately jump into conversations when I first meet people. Like you mentioned, I do feel like I need to take the time to get to know people. I also have a very tight knit social circle with a small amount of really good friends. At work when I deal with complains and people get very emotional I usually stay cool and collected while trying to find solutions for them.

  21. My personality is ESFJ and I think a great example of my how accurate this is would be to describe a situation where my judging type came out. This was the first year that I quit my job which I found lots of structure in and became a stay at home mom and had to step out of my comfort zone get creative and create a new set of guidelines that would become structure. For 10 years I worked for Wells Fargo this job told me when work started when it ended and what was expected of me while I was there. When you become a stay at home mom you decide what is the expected out come and you create your own schedule. I struggled with figuring out how to make my life more comfortable but I was happily surprised to find that my judging personality did not fail me. This personality type helped me by creating an excel spread sheet that mapped out every day of the week. I have a schedule posted in my kitchen that let me and the rest of the family know when its market day or play dates and even dinner meals.

  22. Based on the DWYA, I am an introvert. I like to keep to myself most of the times because I enjoy working alone without anyone bothering me or distracting me. When I am around people it is usually only my family and cousins because I was never open to meet new friends. I enjoy being around my cousins and brothers which are my friends as well because we do everything together from going out to spending time together at home. I never put myself in uncomfortable situations because If I am in an uncomfortable situation I change it by leaving. I believe the best time I have in my day is when I am in my room doing my work alone and concentrating on learning new things and working on some of my ideas. I think this personality report really does describe me because it is how I am in real life.

    1. Hi Mario
      I am an introvert person too. I keep things to myself most of the time and even the people who are close to me sometimes do not know what am i feelings or what do I think about something because i keep those to myself. Not that I do not want them to know but its just me, i like to keep things to myself and rethink them over and over again while I am alone. I also enjoy spending time with my close friends and get out and do everything together.

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  24. After taking this assessment I was not surprise to find that I am considered an introvert. From a very young age I always found most social situations to be awkward. Also I notice that if I go out my way to socialize and attempt to be outgoing I am exhausted by the end of the day. That being said it was interesting to find out that I am a “perceiving” vs “judging” type. I do consider myself a flexible person who is able to constantly change directions if something is not working for me. I think finding this out has given me a great deal of self awareness and I think this information will only help me learn and grow. I also hold reason over emotions which makes me a “thinking” type. I believe that decisions based on reason and rationality are the best for the greater good and the fairest.

    1. I'm also an introvert/perceiver/thinker. I agree with you that taking this assessment has given a very real sense of self-awareness and I'm excited to see what I do with this knowledge. I remember always being described as "shy" when I was younger and now too, and when I reflect on my childhood, certain social situations seem really awkward to me too and I sometimes even get anxiety from random recollections of such awkwardness... shudder. I like your point about decisions based on reason being for the greater good and the most fair, though of course it is important to consider feelings and tune in to emotion; without the feelers of the world it'd be a very dull place and we wouldn't be able to see the forest because of all the trees.

  25. Based on Do What You Are assessment test I am an introvert person. I agree with this results 100%. I am that kind of person who only has few friends that are close to him. I can be able to hang out with many people but I become awkward and do not know what to talk about and most of the time not having fun with them. When I meet new people i like to know first who they are first and then my personality comes right out. Therefore, whenever I meet new people i tend to be very quit around them and do not talk as much.

  26. Based on the results of DWYA, my personality type is ESFP which stands for extravert. I believe that it’s 100% true, because i usually speak before I think and i always regret it and I feel that their is no solution for this because it’s just my personality.Also I am a social person that always love to be surrounded with friends and large, loud, popular groups.Furthermore I love to interact with students inside the classroom from all kinds of cultures,although there are some students who usually sit and concentrate only on what they are doing.

  27. According to the Do What You Are report, I am a perceiver type. According to the DWYA this describes how I prefer to deal with the external world. As a perceiver I like to live my life spontaneously. I find great satisfaction in being flexible and rolling with life circumstances as they occur. I believe that I can’t control life, but I can learn as much about it as possible which in turn helps me solve/cope with problems as they occur. I like the fact that my life is open and that I can go in any direction at any time. I find great satisfaction feeling that sensation of freedom.

  28. Based on the DWYA, I am a thinker. I could relate to many of the qualities listed to be considered a thinker. I know how to put aside my feelings and think in a more logical way. I have always been a very calm person and have never been one to react over dramatically in many situations I deal with on a regular basis. I also try not to let what others think of me affect how I feel about myself. I also believe that this quality will be very useful in the future to keep things in my work life more professional.

  29. I have an extrovert personality, I believe this is the real me. I am more outgoing person and I like hanging out with friends. One thing that is good about this personality is I can make friends easily. I am not a shy person and not afraid of public speaking. This helps me to be an outgoing person and take public speaking classes to improve my speaking comprehensive. Another positive aspect is if I went to place and there are many crowd people whom I do not know, I am confident to start a conversation and being friendly and introduce myself.

    1. I can agree with you on everything you said. I enjoy hanging out with friends and meeting new people as well. It's an intriguing experience and feels nice knowing you have been friendly and made new connections between another person.

  30. According to the DWYA assessment, I am thinker; only by a slight preference though. I found this result very interesting and confusing once I started reading the general traits of both the thinker and the feeler-- it's almost like I balance each "feeler"-type thought or action with that of a "thinker". I have a bleeding heart for anyone who is the center of a group of people's down-talk, I always want to play devil's advocate for that person and shine light on their good qualities. However, I have found that A am almost relentless in my need to respect an individual in order to properly work with them or try to understand them; it doesn't matter how wonderful I might think they otherwise are. I'm also able to remain outwardly and even inwardly composed in situations that might be actually very upsetting to me, which can serve as an advantage, depending on the situation.

  31. Based on the DWYA, I am more of a "feeler" as opposed to being a "thinker". I always consider the effects that my actions and words will have on others. I get my happiness out of making other people happy but I also think that often I put others before myself too much to the point where I am not taking care of myself and what is important to me. In a business environment, I like to maintain close personal relationships instead of keeping it strictly professional. I think it is important to get to know your coworkers on a personal level.

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. After taking the personality test. I was determined as extrovert. I believe this is true because I am very out going and energized by others around me. I also enjoy getting to meet new people as well as positive confrontation. I have a a lot of friends, but a limited group of close near and dear friends. Although, I am clearly an extrovert I sometimes also have introvert qualities as well. Sometimes I enjoy time alone. And staying home keeping to myself. But I am mostly up and ready to go out and adventure. I enjoy spontaneous adventures and finding news things to partake in.
