Monday, September 8, 2014

Chapter 3, Learning Style and Intelligence, Sept. 8-14

Remember to make 2 postings of at least 100 words each this week.  Choose any 2 of the topics below for your postings this week.

  1. What is your ideal environment for learning?  What study strategies work best for you? 
  2. What are your highest multiple intelligences and what careers do they suggest? 
  3. Write about your experiences in college so far.  Have you been able to apply anything learned in this class?

Apply what you have learned so far in this course (motivation, personality type, learning style, multiple intelligences) by commenting on any of these scenarios: 

  1. You have just been assigned a 10 page term paper. 
  2. You have to study for a challenging math test.
  3. You have to write up a lab report for a biology class. It includes drawing of a frog you have just dissected.
  4. You are taking a required course for your major and it is taught by only one professor. You dislike this professor. 
  5. You are taking a business class and have been assigned a group project to design a small business. It is worth 50% of your grade. One of the group members wants to control the group and the others seem to be rebelling.
  6. You have signed up for an economics course and find it difficult to stay awake during the lecture.  
  7. You signed up for a philosophy course to meet a humanities requirement. The vocabulary in the course is unfamiliar.  
  8. As part of the final exam, you have to prepare a five minute presentation for your art history class. 


  1. Based on what I read in my PEPS LSI report, my ideal learning environment is one where I can eat/drink and work alone. Those, cool temperatures with bright lighting, and quiet places are my strongest learning preferences in my opinion. When I study, learn, or do homework I like to snack or have a beverage. I don't know why but it just helps me focus better. Also, I prefer to learn earlier in the day because I feel more awake and ready to learn. By the time I get out of school in the afternoon, I am usually exhausted. This is why all my classes are in the morning. For example, if I have to study for a challenging math test, I would make myself a snack and sit in comfy furniture while I try to understand the material. Also, I really like to work alone because I just do better by myself. I am not a fan of group projects because I like things done a certain way so I usually end up doing the whole thing by myself because I get controlling and only trust myself to get a good grade on it.

  2. My highest multiple intelligences were interpersonal and logical-mathematical. My main interpersonal strengths are connecting with people quickly and easily, forming and maintaining lasting relationships, and influencing and motivating others. I use these strengths on an everyday basis without even realizing it. For example, I am social and make friends easily, and that comes in handy for school in case I need help from someone in my class. Also, I always try to motivate my friends to do better in school and help them out whenever they need it. My main logical-mathematial strengths are understanding and predicting cause and effect relationships and making educated guesses and taking the proper steps to discover the best answer. The career fields suggested are education, health care, and scientist, which I actually have been considering all three.

    1. Thanks for starting off our discussion with 2 excellent posts. Keep up the good work!

  3. When I need to study I can focus best when I am in a quiet area. I learn better when there is some organization to an assignment because I am a Judging type. In addition I learn better when I can make a subject personal, when I can find ways to relate I can understand more. My type of learning also appreciate feedback from instructors. I like to know what I can improve on and what I am doing good in. I am able to get things done on time but can sometime stretch myself thin while doing so.

  4. My Highest Multiple intelligence's are Existential and Bodily- Kinesthetic. Existential means that I think about purpous and bigger meanings in life. I look at the "big picture." I also question things in subjects such as human existence, philosophy, and ethnics. These careers offered for these types are Philosopher, Politician, and cultural researcher.Bodily- Kinesthetic are good with tools, and analyzing complex movements, and physical expression. Such as dance or acting. Careers for these types are Athlete, dancer, crafts person, and sculptor. Furthermore, while looking for careers in the future I will take into account my interests or abilities in these things.

  5. ​4. You are taking a required course for your major and it is taught by only one professor. You dislike this professor.

    I would try to keep an open mind while taking this class. Despite my dislike for this professor I would attempt to learn something new from him/her and the teacher ability they offer. I would cope and find ways to adjust to the lectures or teacher methods they use and study in the ways best suited for me personally. While being open minded I would try and see things from the teachers perspective and then find a way to apply it to my own and appreciate it if I can. I would do my best to think positively throughout the course.

  6. 4. You are taking a required course for your major and it is taught by only one professor. You dislike this professor.

    This is close to the situation I am actually having this semester, Its an anatomy class and its a perquisite for my major. The only difference is I really like her as a person I just dislike her teaching style, its very fast for me. Anyways the ways that I have been succeeding in her class is by coming in with a positive and motivated attitude. Although she crams 5 chapters into 2 weeks, I make plenty of time for me to study. I also plan to meet up with a tutor to have them slowly explain things that I find confusing, after all anatomy is a very difficult class in the first place and is nothing less then what I expected.

  7. After taking the PEPS report I found a lot of things by surprise for my learning styles until I really started to think about ways that are comfortable for me. Some things that make me focus and learn better is doing homework in an informal comfortable place like my bed or couch, another thing is I like the room to be semi bright and room temperature, not to cold not to hot. Also I do not prefer drinking or snacking while doing my homework or studying Id rather just focus on the task at hand. My highest multiple intelligence was being Interpersonal, and I totally agree with that I am a very social person, being social allows me to always meet new people. I love to motivate my friends and family to be the best they can be. Some career suggestions that it gave me was a education, or health field. Which is really nice to read considering how I really want to become a registered nurse.

  8. Based on my PEPS LSI report, my ideal leanring is being able to eat, drink, and work alone. I perfer cool tempuratures with bright lights, and no noise. I work better then I dont have people around me unless im working with a partner. I get everything done faster when i have no distractions, It helps me focus better. I like to work mid day, since I have a night class I get work done before class because I am always so tired after class, and just want to sleep right when I get home, unless I have something that needs to be done, then I'll stay up.

  9. 4. I'm not going to say I don't like my English professor but sometimes I feel like she throws so much at us. I know I ask her so many question and probably gets frustrated with me but if I feel like I don't understand what is for homework I will have to ask, because to me its important to make sure I get my assignments done right. Everything is so overwhelming in there and I think most of my classmates are frustrated, because so much has to be done. She does explain well, but sometimes I get overwhelmed with all the work she gives us, and don't know how to maintain it. Just have to have my motivation and keep moving forward, and always do the best I can do.

    1. Keep asking those questions and just take it day by day. See if you can get a list of the assignments and put them on your calendar.

  10. My most preferable learning environment is most likely either my room or a library due to my environmental preferences. Both of these areas are generally quite and fairly well lit without being blindingly bright, like some areas lit by florescent are. They also both have the more formal type desks and chairs which helps me stay on task and not goof off. My best study strategy is probably to write down the general idea of what I read in the course work and then reread it while highlighting the especially important bits to solidly commit what I need to know to my memory.

  11. Due to this being my first year of college, and it only being a couple weeks since the term started, my experiences are very limited at the moment. Although I have not had a huge amount of experience I have still been able to apply some of the information attained in this course. My outlook has shifted significantly due to positive thinking which has caused me to see things in a less negative light. I have also been able to apply what we learned about motivation to keep myself from skipping an assignment or two using the fact that I was not likely to fail the class as a result as an excuse. Overall this class has definitely improved my life even if only be a little bit.

    1. Great to hear that you are using some of the ideas in this course even though it is early. Using positive thinking and motivation are two ways to get off to a good start in college and life in general.

  12. My ideal environment of learning and or studying would have to be a very quiet area such as a library or maybe even a coffee shop. Before I have tried to study in places like the living room or my room but my attention span is limited to distractions. I did not believe I was going to be able to focus and stay on task but surprisingly it was the complete opposite. By being in the library, I was not allowed to talk, well because others were studying as well. With my music to block others and possible distractions I was able to complete more assignments. The library did have couches and comfy chairs but I know from personal experiences that this is not a good idea, so I walked straight to the straight chairs and desk's. As for the lighting, I would say that a very well lighted area is nice to have but not too bright that I can not focus. My learning process I find that works for me is to write the notes and draw weird characters around them so when I review I can understand it reference to when it was explained by the teacher. I find it hard to read long chapters and keep focused. So small breaks with note taking to review what I just read helps and I can focus on key points from assignments.

  13. 6. You have signed up for an economics course and find it difficult to stay awake during the lecture.

    For this one I see many possible reasons as to why its difficult to stay awake. For starters, I would say that the main problem sounds like lack of proper sleep and possible bad eating habits and lack of exercise. A lot processes through my mind when I read the statement. As far as approaching the situation and trying to resolve it, this sounds like I would have a motivational problem. I would have really ask myself if this really what I want to do and if so then I am going to have to change a few things. Motivate myself and get organized and have a routine to get into and try to break old habits. One of those is cutting off all distractions at a proper time to get the right amount of sleep. Try to be optimistic of the class and see a purpose as to what can be gained from the class. With the routine part, I would emphasize getting 1-2 hours of exercise and change my eating habits. Lots of sugars and processed foods can take a toll on the body and cause many problems with having enough energy and staying focused. Another problem that can easily be corrected is have proper posture and not slouching during a lecture. Making sure your comfortable but not too comfy is key as well.

  14. My preferred learning environment is complicated. I do my best studying at home . I like sitting on the couch with my laptop with some kind of noise in the background, either the tv or some music. My profile says that I learn best in groups and I think that works in certain situations but my schedule is so demanding it is hard to find time and coordinate with others to do this. I learn best by experience and it is helpful when I write things down several times. My math lab is on the computer and it allows me to do the questions 5 times each which helps me to learn it well.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. I am taking a math class right now and it is very challenging. I probably learned a lot of the content many years ago but haven't applied it in my everyday life so it is slowly coming back to me. If I have to study for a big math test I will use the study tools in my math lab. They allow me to review and solve questions in each section many times. If I get a question wrong the lab explains how it should be solved correctly. If I still don't understand a section well I will ask my teacher when we review the material for the test. I also like to rewrite all of my lecture notes and review them. This helps me to remember things better

  17. You have just been assigned a 10 page term paper.
    I would start brain storming. When I get an assignment I am the kind of person that starts it right away. I have gotten an assignment like this before and I did not start it right way. Then at the last minute I was rushing to get it all done. I did learn a lot from this big assignment. In my English 120 class the teacher gave the class step by step instructions on how to get a big term paper in on time. This was great for me because by the time I got in into my English 122 class; writing a term paper was easy to do. I just take my time and do it slowly because most of the teachers give the class a month or so to get it done.

    1. The key to success in writing a term paper is starting early and taking the steps needed to complete it. It is great that you have learned this technique since many students struggle with term papers.

  18. What is your ideal environment for learning? What study strategies work best for you?
    When I am studying I have to be in a quiet room. It is really hard for me to get a lot of homework done when there is a lot of people around me talking. Now at the same time I like to be in a study group. I study the night before than I am able to help people that are in the group. This all depend on what subject and how hard I want to study. The best study strategies that I use are my notecards. Notecards have got me through high school and college. Another thing that I do is right after I get out of class I look at my notes. There is really nothing else that I do.

  19. My ideal learning environment would be be a office or room with a desk and chair with air conditioning and ample lighting. There are a couple things that wouldn't bother me for example if there is a lot of noise or if its quiet I could do reasonably the same amount of work. I would prefer to finish my work in one sitting as opposed to getting up a bunch of times and I would enjoy a snack while I work. One thing that stood out to me was the level I scored on high level authoritativeness, this being a strong preference to me, I would benefit from studying at school or with a tutor possibly at the library. Finally this learning environment could be held any time of day because there is no specific time that I feel that I learn better or worse. My best strategies to learn is to get full understanding and other perspectives through group or class discussion. I am a visual learner so note taking and highlighting take center stage to my success.

  20. You have just been assigned a 10 page term paper.

    I am currently in a public speaking class and our Informative speech has been assigned and it feels like a 10 page term paper because by the end we will turn in a 3 ring binder with the outline, our research, and other supporting documents. I have learned that finding a topic that I know a lot about has helped me with the creative process since this is a area that I struggle in I am glad I chose a topic that motivates me to inform my classmates about. I have been able to interpret my learning style to my success so far in this class. I am currently getting a A+ because my professor gives very exact directions on how to complete each assignment. The book that is assigned is so direct with visual aids of previous speeches and pictures of the finished assignment as if it is holding your hand step by step through the class. The teacher has even mentioned this to the class several times and still only half the class has followed the instructions and completed the assignments up until this point. I have been able to see that based on the information I have learned in this class my judging personality is successful with so much direction however my classmates that are falling behind probably require a environment where they have less structure and more imagination.

    1. Being a judging type that values organization is a great asset in college and on the job. The perceptive types sometime struggle with time management, but need to learn it.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. What is your ideal environment for learning? What study strategies work best for you?

    My ideal environment of learning and studying is when I’m in my room getting my homework done or study I need to listen to music because I need noise in the background or sometime I’m in the living room with the TV on low and I not get distraction by the TV.I can’t study in a quite area because I need noise in the background I haven’t study in the library yet but probably I will soon I think I will study well in the library if I have my iPod with me.

  23. My ideal environment for learning or trying to study for an important test coming up would preferably be a comfy couch or chair with peace and quiet. I am able to study while things are going on in the background but I prefer to be in a quiet place because then I can actually hear my inner thoughts and think more productively about what I am reading. Studying strategies that work for me are reading the important topics over and over again until I do not forget it. I also start to study a week before a test so that I do not procrastinate to study the night before and I can study little by little each night.

  24. Write about your experiences in college so far. Have you been able to apply anything learned in this class?

    This is my first year of college it’s been a new adventure for me and it’s only been couple weeks in. I have learned so much already and I want to learn more new things. I have met some nice people and some interesting people at college so far. In this class I have learned how to stay motivation and not think negative thoughts think positive thoughts. The one thing that surprised me was that and introvert can achieve their dreams also.

    1. I am also an introvert and we are the minority, so we often grow up thinking that it is a disadvantage. There are lots of good occupations where being an introvert is an advantage. Just look for one where being able to focus and concentrate in a quiet environment is an asset. I have learned to be social when needed, but need quiet time to recharge. Choose your occupation knowing your strengths and preferences.

  25. I also have a similar confliction. I have a math class from 7:30 to 10:20. I am a current freshman at cuyamaca and I do not dislike the teacher, I just do not prefer his type of teaching methods. I am in a pretty easy math class with things that I have already learned before, but my teacher has a certain way of solving a problem a certain way on a test in a more complicated way rather than the easy way i already know. If we do not do the steps he uses, we get points marked off. This course has taught me to adjust to things, so I adjusted my ways to the way my teacher does it. I also am open to changes and I observe the way my teacher runs every class to benefit myself in the long run.

  26. My ideal learning environment is a cool very quiet place. I tend to be very easily distracted so any place that has extra noise going on in the background I just can't stay focused because all I hear is he background noise. I tend to learn best with visuals and when it is being done in front of me. I need to be walked through step by step in order to understand what I need to be learning. I enjoy using different color highlighters and marking the important terms that I need to go back on. I also learn better when I say and read things out loud, and repeat myself. I tend to work better alone I have a very strong personality and also I like to move at my own pace and I just think working in a group isn't the best for me. As I also mentioned earlier I get distracted real easy and having someone else there to study with will probably lead me to conversations that we shouldn't be sharing while trying to study. So me by myself with no distractions is my way to do it.

    This is my first year college and so far it is going good it can get a little hectic and time consuming for me, but I really am one to take challenges and I think school is definitely one that I am willing to accept. I have learned a lot from this course so far and have been applying a lot of it to my daily life habits. I use a lot of the study techniques, and a lot of the positive thinking when something isn't as of much interest to you. I also have been noticing my attitude and my ways of acting and my personality towards my friends and clients and have been able to understand why I do the things I do a lot more. I am really enjoying this class and can't wait to learn some more.

    1. Glad to hear that you are enjoying this course and applying what you have learned. Keep up the good work!

  27. 1. You have just been assigned a ten page term paper.

    First things first I would get started early mental notes, outlines of what you will be writing on. I will gather information on what I need to be writing on. I will give myself ample time to get it done. I would split the work up into how many weeks I have to complete and I would assign myself certain dates and times to work on it. If it something that I am not really interested in I will make something interesting about it and run with that. I will make sure to remember not to get distracted and stick to my task at hand until it is finished.

  28. According to my PEPS report, my ideal learning environment is when I do activities alone which I strongly dislike having someone distracting me. Sitting in quiet room and working with myself only makes everything goes easier for me, those are my strongest learning preferences as I think. When I am doing my homework or working, I don't want want eat or drink until I finish all my assignments. Also, I prefer to learn at night because I feel more awake and focused. For example, if I have any test in the morning, I would prefer to study at night so I can remember the things I studied more clearly. I am not a group worker, I like to do my things individually because I feel that I would understand things way better by myself.

  29. 4.You are taking a required course for your major and it is taught by only one professor. You dislike this professor.

    The class that I am taking seems easy so far, Its a music class and its a required for my major. The only struggle I face in that class is I don't really like her teaching style because it seems to me sometimes that I am having an English class. , its just very boring for me. I am currently having a good grade in her class. Although she gives four exams the whole semester which would be very easy to me to make up and low scores I might get, I study really hard in her class to keep my grade perfect and that what I always going to try. I also get confused sometimes with her notes which she always want us to study them carefully, after all Music is a very easy class and I am pretty sure that I am going pass it with an A.

  30. Based on my PEPS report, my ideal learning environment is somewhere cooled off with good lighting and somewhere I am able to eat and drink when needed. I need to be in a comfortable and quiet setting. I do not like listening to music while I study because most of the time it distracts me. I usually like to do my school work in the beginning of the day so I can hopefully get it done and still have time to go out. I like to try and get my work done as soon as it is given out so I do not have to rush on it last minute.

  31. Starting college this year was difficult for me at first because i had taken a two year break from school. I have learned so far that you just have to motivate and set goals for yourself to go. Managing my time is an important skill to have especially when attending college and having many other things and events going on in my life. I like to write things down in my calendar on my phone to remind me of the things i need to do throughout the day. I make sure I have enough time to do homework and also have time for myself throughout the day. Having everything written down motivates me to complete one task at a time, which also helps me complete them faster. Being organized helps me stay on track to to complete my goals.

    1. Welcome back to school. Sounds like you are off to a good start!

  32. My ideal learning environment depends on what I am learning. If it is a mechanical lesson, then I want to be in the shop with an engine in front of me. I want to be shown how to do something and then allowed to try it myself. If I fail that’s ok with me, I can read a manual and learn what I did wrong or be shown hands-on where my mistakes were made. If I am learning about a writing a paper, then I want to be in a bright space, where it is fairly quiet. Once I have begun the writing process I have some favorite music that I love to listen to when I am writing. As a matter of fact I am listening to it now, as I write this. I can learn in a variety of environments, and each is special to the lesson at hand.

  33. After completing two Master’s Degrees, a 10-page term paper is not a scary assignment. My personality, ESTJ, drives me to start with a list of things that need to be accomplished and in what order would most beneficial. The main priority for me would be to understand the format and style required by the instructor. Once the writing portion begins, I like to set and meet goal points, such as three pages a day till the length is met. I would choose an environment with ample lighting and fairly quiet, with the music I enjoy writing to. This allows me to perform at a high level. My motivation is being done well before any deadline. This week I have been highly distracted with personal issues, and have not been mentally able to complete my work in the time frame I would like. However, it will be done on time and with the same commitment to quality.

  34. My ideal learning environment would be studying alone in my room with snacks on my table. I enjoy being alone when it comes to studying because I don't get distracted by anyone or anything. When I study with friends I get easily distracted because they spark up conversations and steer away from studying or doing homework. This is my first semester in college and I have learned some new things from this class to apply to my other courses. I have made a schedule of each class and each assignment that I need to compete on my phone and I get a reminder a few days before each assignment is due to help motivate me to complete it before it is due and not procrastinate until last minute.

  35. If I took an economics course and I found it too difficult to stay awake during the lectures then it could mean a couple of things. It could mean that I am not getting enough sleep and I should change my sleeping habit. It could also mean that the teacher is making the lecture boring and not making it an interesting lecture. If I was not sleeping enough then I would change my sleeping habit to get a better sleep. If the teacher was simply making the lecture boring then I would go to class and try my best to take notes on the lecture without falling asleep and I would take time and research what the teacher is lecturing about online and watching online videos that will help me better understand the material. There are many tutorials online that will help you learn something if you are having a hard time learning it in class. It could just mean that the teacher isn't teaching the material in your learning style.

    1. These are great ideas for dealing with this situation. Taking notes is the most important thing you can do to stay awake. I like your ideas about learning about the material online.

  36. After taking the PEPS report I found a lot of things did not surprise for my learning styles until I really started to think about how to make an easier ways of learning methods. Most the times I notes that when I try to learn something it must be done multiple time so that I keep getting more open view or thoughts; that what makes me understand the learning of something. I would like to be in active group that share thought and work hard so that keep more motivate to the next level and most likely in bright place.

  37. 5 You are taking a business class and have been assigned a group project to design a small business. It is worth 50% of your grade. One of the group members wants to control the group and the others seem to be rebelling.

    What I think of this most the times is we suppose make sure there must be a person that can lead the entire group members to make sure the project will be build properly. I always think that always there is somebody knows more than everybody in the group how to succeed to a next level. The leader always can come up with thoughts that can put the group into one thought and work together. Because group it’s always meant to be led by a leader. Finally I see that the leader does the most work for the group because of trying to put whole entire thought together.

  38. According to my PEPS report, the best way for me to learn better is when I am by myself and and can be able to move however i want. It also has stated that I am a person who eats snack while trying to focus on something, it can make my brain understand better. For me, the best strategy that works best for me is moving a lot. When I am doing my home work or trying to study for a test I tend to move a lot as I cannot focus my mind on only one thing and keep a full understanding to it.

  39. I have been in school for a couple semesters now, taking a few units a semester. It has not been until recently, because of this course, that I have even considered what my ideal environment for learning is. I have learned that I like to have an environment with other people and it. It has to be well lit, and the temperature has to be cool (which has been hard to find this week). I’ve started using the study strategies of highlighting my lecture notes and writing flashcards to review the important points. I have also been working on a calendar system to keep track of due dates. These are new strategies for me so I am still working out the bugs. But so far they seem to be working.

  40. My exprience in college has never been the best experience in which it can be set as an example to successed in college, but after this semester, I think it will put as an example to be successful in college. In the past semesters I didn't give as much care to my courses, maybe the reason to that was because I never made studying a part of my life. I used to hate the time when I have to study. It always was like this: i only have at most 12 hours to study or finish the homework, I'm in rush, and I would stay up to at least 4 am to finish. Even though I had enough time to do the process ahead of time, but every time i come to study, I become bored and say "Eeh, I still have time, I'll do it latter". After taking this course I had learned how to create a new habit, and I've decided to make studying a habit for me. The process of making studying a habit wasn't an easy process. I had to force myself into studying every day in a certain time for 15 days. The first three days were the hardest, just as this course had taught me, but I kept going on. Around the 7th day i started liking it as i didn't find any difficulty while doing it, and on the 15th day I had no problem with it at all. Now this new habit has became part of my life and every day i study for at least 45 minutes and the time flies for me, thanks to this course of course. I hope that this new habit will draw my successful education journey.

  41. My ideal learning environment, based on my PEPS LSI report and what I have always done, is a room that is very quite and one that has bright lighting. I usually do all my homework and studying in my room with the door closed and no distractions. I can’t be eating or drinking while learning, that will just distract me. My room has to be at a cool temperature and I am usually just sitting on my bed or in a comfortable chair. I also like to work alone because I found out that when I work with someone else I don’t get as much done as when I work by myself. I prefer to work later in the day because that is when I can usually focus because I have done everything else I wanted to during the day.

  42. Based on the results of PEPS report, My ideal environment for learning is being collaborative with more than one student in order to think in more than one way. The best study strategie that work for me is to have a quite area that not one distracts me in order to focus and to not be distracted, but in the same time collaborate with students. Also I prefer to study later in the day rather than in the morning because I feel more comfortable that way. My experience in college is not going well so far because I just graduated from High School, and college is a different type of studying which is making me exhausted. This class is very helpful for me because it’s developing the way I look into personalities and even to understand my personality.

    1. Yes, college is very different from high school. There is much more independent study involved. It is good that you are taking this course to get started.

  43. 1. You have just been assigned a 10 page term paper.
    This prompt really stood out to me. I have been assigned two research papers this semester. Because I have analyzed my strengths and weaknesses based on my motivation, personality type, learning style, multiple intelligences, I am feeling like I will be better prepared to take on this task. However, this will be a monumental test for me. Because of my weaknesses I need to stay focused on my research organization, my scheduling of due dates based around my daily distractions. I need to work on getting my home study environment suited to my personality type preferences and learning style. I am confident that if I take care of these I will find success.

  44. 1. My ideal learning environment starts with a brightly lit and warm area, preferably one where I have the option to let my guard down and relax as I work. I tend to work better later in the day, and I am able to concentrate best when there is limited background noise, but not completely silent. I realized while taking the test that having an authority figure present as I work is a major distraction and makes me feel like I'm in some kind of spotlight, making my performance far less efficient. I memorize things best when I am able to combine visual and tactile senses and write things out repeatedly. I'm interested in trying to more consciously apply music to my studying, knowing that I have a love for music I think using it could easily increase my willingness to do and enjoy tasks that might otherwise seem dull.

  45. 1_I have just been assigned a 10 page paper term

    I am having difficulties to finish those 10 pages paper term but this class helped me to motivate myself to be productive and have a self esteem that I can do whatever I want, in a very simple way which is to believe in myself that if I try my best there's nothing hard. I am always trying to think in a positive way even though sometimes I give up, and take a step back that I will not be able to finish those pages. Then I start thinking positively and believe in myself that if I work intelligently and develope my mind step by step there will be nothing hard.

  46. My ideal learning environment is anywhere that I am in complete control of. I prefer to be somewhere by myself without distractions, but if I am unable to have that I can put my headphones in and drown out the commotion around me. I also prefer to work at a desk or in a designated office space, but I also find myself working or studying most of the time in my bedroom. I do not work in group settings well because I am a perfectionist. I find that when I am forced to work with others I get frustrated because it may not be getting done the way I would have and I often do the majority of the work because of that reason. The only time I noticed I liked working in a group was in my english classes. I am a very straight forward and logical person so thinking out of the box is very difficult for me. Having a group of other students to help me brainstorm is great, but when it comes down to actually doing the assignment I need to work on my own.

  47. My highest multiple intelligences are logical-mathematical and bodily-kinesthetic. I am very good at problem solving and math, and like to consider all of the facts before I make a decision. I am able to sort through information and decide what is useful and what is not very easily. I am also very physical and active, and enjoy fixing things. Some careers associated with these are surgeons, statisticians, EMT/Paramedics, accountants, and other medical careers. I have always been interested in medicine and am going to school to become a nurse. However, I am also EMT certified and had considered being a surgeon before I chose nursing. Though this did not help me pick a career, it did help support my decision and helped point out my strengths and some weaknesses I may have to overcome along the way.

  48. My highest multiple intelligences are logical-mathematical and interpersonal. I have interpersonal intelligence because I can read people well. I can also persuade and influence other people. I am good at this because I thing of logical facts or points that I know people want to hear in order to be persuaded. Having interpersonal intelligence also means I am good at entertaining people and carrying on a two-way conversation.
    I like to think that I am social and I am also very nice and can keep a conversation going. I listen to people and I like giving advice. My logical-mathematics strengths include doing quick math calculations in my head, determining relevant information for a problem, and organizing information in an orderly and logical way. Math is just one of my easiest subjects and one that I just have always understood. I can do quick math calculations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division in my head. Also, when I get information, I only look at the facts and information that are going to help me solve the problem or finish my work and I just ignore everything else. The important information I organize properly in order from usually what I need to finish first to move on to the next step. For example, if I was assigned a 10 page term paper, I would look at the prompt and the directions and figure out what the information is that I need to complete the paper and work on the steps that I would need to complete the term paper first.

  49. Being an introvert, my natural instinct would be to feel very unhappy having to work with people on such an important assignment; having read this chapter I understand the importance of "mixing" aspects of intelligence and would be glad of the opportunity to really make the project great. Having a bossy group member who offsets everyone else would call for the employment "emotional intelligence". I would implement social skills such as communication and humor to eventually coral the group to confronting the conflict by being empathetic and understanding that the importance of this assignment most likely causes the "bossy" member some kind of stress, which would understandably cause them to feel responsible for getting the ball rolling. By confidently sharing their valuable input that they were previously withholding by "rebelling". the bossy member is likely to see that things are under control and that their preconceived need to boss is relieved.

  50. According to PEPS LSI report, my ideal learning environment is being in a quiet area where I am comfortable. I also like being in a cool area where the temperature is not too cold or too hot and is just right. I can never work around people because it is just too distracting and I usually never get anything done. When my friends want to have a study group or just work on homework together it is always hard for me to stay focused and I usually just end up doing most of the work when I get home. Sometimes I want to listen to music while doing homework and studying but end up getting frustrated because I feel like I cannot focus as well and result in turning it off because I prefer that it be quiet.

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  52. You have just been assigned a 10 page term paper.

    This first thing I would do after understanding the prompt and knowing what needs to be met to complete the assignment is create an outline. Creating an outline will help me figure out exactly what I want to right and keep me organized. I would also start as early as I could. I have started papers before that I have done literally the night before. I would be up all night and rushing to finish and would not have it done with the most confidence. Instead it is better to split the work and do a little at a time to keep myself from being overwhelmed and not as stressed. Also I would like to write about things that I am passionate about because it will motivate me more and feel more excited about writing it rather than having it feel like a drag. Lastly, I will make sure to be in an environment that helps me stay focused and feel more comfortable so that I can finish the assignment on time.

  53. What are your highest multiple intelligences and what careers do they suggest?

    My highest multiple intelligence is interpersonal intelligence. This means that I do best working and communicating with others in a team or one-on-one, recognizing and understanding others' perspectives, recognizing and understanding others' wants and needs, connecting with people quickly and easily, forming and maintaining lasting relationships and influencing and motivating others. I have discovered over and over again in this course that I need to be in a profession where I can interact with people. Not only do I want to interact with people, I want to feel like I am making a difference in their lives and also having a positive influence in the community. I also tested highly in naturalist intelligence, causing me to have an awareness and sensitivity to living things and the environment and ability in caring for and interacting with plants, animals and the natural environment.

  54. I learn better in cooler, quiet places and my best time to study is late at night. I often choose to study at coffee shops. I am very particular about the atmosphere of coffee shops. I have to make sure they have AC and that they are not blasting loud music. Also I prefer that they don’t have extremely bright lights. Usually I opt to go study alone because I feel that I get more done. I like to read over the material and keep a notebook nearby where I can rewrite the general ideas of what I am reading. This helps me retain the material.

  55. What is your ideal environment for learning? What study strategies work best for you?

    My ideal learning environment is relaxed and quiet. I like being comfortable; so working on the couch is usually my go to spot. I also get distracted rather easily, so although I might have more fun working with another person, I really need to work alone in order to get anything done. I also enjoy snacking or drinking while studying. I think that it helps me stay focused and alert and in turn get more and better quality work done. I do think that in certain situations a study group would be beneficial. It is nice to have people with differing opinions take part in a discussion and you might get a different result than you anticipated or learn about another persons views.

  56. You are taking a required course for your major and it is taught by only one professor. You dislike this professor.

    If I ran into this dilemma I would first try to understand what it is I dislike about the professor and how that is relevant my learning. Then, I would try to figure out the professor’s personality type and how it applies to the course material. Once I have assessed both of those things I would outline the expectations of that professor and determine what I am able to do to meet those expectations. Whether it means I have to be organized and meet deadlines, I would plan accordingly for those things. If there is something I do not understand or need assistance with I would try to meet with the professor in order to express any concerns.

    1. Good ideas here! By understanding the professor's personality type, you can figure out what they expect. Asking questions is important for success too.

  57. What is your ideal environment for learning? What study strategies work best for you?
    My idea environment to study is quite place that no one will distract me. I like study in my room is really quiet and I gets the subject faster. The reason I like to study in quiet places because I am a visual learner. The visual learner like to draw and remembering the pictures, also they like to take notes and go home study this notes on quite room or places. The way I like to study strategies is tactic / keinesthic. They way better to me and learn much better how? They reason I like to study this way because they do actives front of u and they learning by touching stuff. They more u do actives in class they way more learn you.

  58. You are taking a required course for your major and it is taught by only one professor. You dislike this professor.
    If I am taking the required course and is only one professor, so I will take this course even I am dislike it. This course will be hard to me but I will try just to pass the course even without good grade at least just to pass this required course. Another way if I don’t understand the way he taught I have to be on tutorial. This course will be real difficulty to me, so I have to get over it and go though it even it’s hard or dislike professor. There will be a lot tutorial I will get help so to understand this course and pass my required course.

  59. What is your ideal environment for learning? What study strategies work best for you?

    My ideal work environment would be in a nicely lit room with minimal, not too bright lighting. Music playing in the background makes it easier to focus, for me it acts as a motivator. I also find it easier to study at a desk rather than on my bed. Sometimes it makes me sleepier than productive. Studying strategies are prefer are flash cards, re-reading chapters, and group studying. Group study for me is the most effective because I am able to bounce ideas off of my friends. As well as argue, discuss, and etc. it also makes studying feels a little less like studying wine you are surrounded by friends rather than studying alone.

  60. Write about your experiences in college so far. Have you been able to apply anything learned in this class?

    I have been able to apply things I have learned from both this class and my English class to my everyday life. Counseling has helped me dig to learn new things about myself. And weekly blogs has me reflect and understand myself and what I would like to accomplish in school. English has helped me improve my writing skills with the several different essay topics we write on weekly.
