Monday, October 27, 2014

Chapter 10, Communication and Relationships, October 27-Nov. 2

The chapter on communication provided some ideas for improving communication. Are any of these ideas helpful to you? For the blog this week, make 1 post of 200 words or 2 of 100 words each. You can also comment or expand on another student's posting.

You can describe how you plan to apply some of the ideas in this chapter to improving communication with your children, boss, friends or parents or anyone who is important in your life.

You can also read the scenarios below and use your knowledge of personality type to suggest ways to improve the communication. For a quick review of personality type, click on Do What You Are on the front page of your portfolio on CollegeScope.  You can comment on one or more of the scenarios.  Remember to think about personality type and how it influences communication as you write your comments. 

Scenario 1 (E and I):

Mary and Carol are roommates and are discussing paying bills for the apartment that they share. Mary is upset because Carol paid the phone bill late. The more that Mary talks, the quieter Carol becomes. This causes Mary to become even more upset. Mary starts talking in a loud voice and Carol leaves the room. How can they improve communication?

Scenario 2 (S and N):

A sensing type and an intuitive type are on a first date. What is each likely to talk about?

Scenario 3 (T and F):

Rachel and Jim have been married about a year. Rachel complains to Jim that he never says, "I love you" anymore. Jim replies that he would not have married Rachel if he didn't love her. How can they improve communication?

Scenario 4 (J and P):

Students in a business class are assigned as a group project to design a business plan. This is an evening class and has mostly adults who have busy schedules with work, family and school. Mike is a highly motivated student who wants to get the group organized and complete the project quickly. Mike is getting irritated at John because he cannot decide on a topic and get going. John keeps coming up with different creative ideas for the business plan. John is getting irritated at Mike because he thinks that Mike is trying to control the group. How can this group work together to complete a successful project?


  1. If a sensing type and intuitive type were to go on a first date, the conversations would follow many different and creative trains of thought. The intuitive person would fantasize and imagine what the dare is going to be like before it begins. The fantasies are usually more exciting than the actual date. Intuitive types are more likely to talk about dreams, visions, beliefs, and creative ideas, skipping from one topic to another. Sensing types sometimes have difficulty following the conversation. Intuitive types are not too worried about being exactly on time, contrary to the sensing types. They believe that time is flexible and may not be on time for the date, much to the annoyance of sensing types.

  2. In conflict situations, the introverts are at a disadvantage. They will often withdraw from conflict because they need time to think about the situation and go over in their minds what to say. Introverts become stressed if they are faced with a conflict without advance notice. In this case, Carol is an introvert and Mary is an extrovert. Carol and Mary can improve communication by understanding each other and respecting their differences. The extravert can improve communication with the introvert by pausing to let the introvert have time to speak. Also, Mary should let Carol speak before she raises her voice at her.

    1. Your posts show good understanding of the material in the chapter. Keep up the good work!

  3. I found that this chapter was extremely helpful to me because I often have issues communicating what I want to say correctly. This is likely a result of my introverted personality type which makes it difficult to interrupt someone so I can get a word in. This can also sometimes lead people to incorrectly believe that I do not care about what they are talking about due to my quietness. In order to improve my communication ability I will need to work on taking the initiative in conversations. I can do this by listening closely to what is being said and trying to predict when my conversation partner will take a break and formulate what I wish to convey beforehand. My other main issue when trying to communicate with someone is that I try to apply logic to all situations even when the problem at hand is primarily an emotional issue. This again leads people to think that I am cold or uncaring, which can cause some issues when trying to communicate due to their preconceptions. In order to improve this problem of mine I have actively been trying to place myself in other people's shoes and then thinking how I would feel in such a situation. While this is not the perfect solution to my issue it has definitely helped me communicate better with the more emotional acquaintances of mine.

    1. This is the perfect description of the introvert and thinking types. Glad you found the information helpful.

  4. After reading this chapter I am going to share it with my husband because I found valuable information that could benefit our communication. I don't have a ton of friends that I spend as much time with as I do with my husband or children and so the information was most relevant in my personal relationship at home. I learned many ways that my husband and I can communicate to each about household chores. Usually we only address issues that annoy us after we have kept it in for to long and then we just yell it out which is not effective and leads to lots of "you statements". Reading about the "I statements" will be a more effective way of expressing how we feel and also making sure we express it when we are not upset. It is important to the both of us to communicate but that doesn't mean that we always communicate in the right way. I know that for my self I am not good at arguments and so I tend to shut down when my husband is arguing with me, but for him its his way of expressing how he feels. We can learn a lot from this chapter because I need to be able to express how I am feeling too but at the same time he needs to learn how to communicate and not argue so that he can still express his oppinion also. Another aspect of our relationship that we need to work on is validation. It is one thing to listen to how someone is feeling but if you don't validate the emotion or feeling than you are not helping to understand or care. This was a fun chapter and gave a lot of insight to relationships and communication that I did not see before.

    1. Glad you were able to apply the information to maintain good family relationships. It is all about communication.

  5. To begin, if two opposite people such as intuitive and sensing type were to go on a date they would both think and speak differently about things. The sensing type would talk more about realistic things; such as his or her life experiences, what he or she likes or dislikes and or about the food. The intuitive type on the other hand would be more focused on an idea of how they thought the date was going to be. Since intuitive people like to fantasize it is most likely that he or she will have made expectation on how the date will go. Although those expectation may not be realistic. After the date the sensing type will probably remember things like how the food tasted, what his or her companion looked like, how the music sounded, and the feelings that they had. The intuitive type will go home thinking that they were disappointed with the reality of the date or how it has gone. Or he or she will go home creating expectations for the next date. Both types have positive and negative qualities and they can benefit from having the other around. The key to their differences is effective communication. And making sure that everything that was said was heard right and understood properly.

  6. Scenario 1 (E and I):

    I think that Carol should make Mary understand the reason why he paid the phone bill late in nice way. Also, Mary must be more nicely and understand the reason why that Carol is payed the bill late. They both must be more communicated with each so they can solve the problem. Mary should respect Carol and not yell at him even if he's not paying the bill and she must keep ask him in a nice way why he payed the bill late. They both should think positive with each other so they don't disagreement on those kind of stuff. I think that should be respectful to each other and take things easily so they don't get into another problem in the future. Those kind of problems must be solved in communication skills which means that one of them must be a good skilled communicator so the problem doesn't get worse. Forgiveness is very important and they both must have this type of personally so they can solve the problem latter on. Lastly, think that this type of disagreement is easy to solve because weather the husband or wife must explain the problem so the other person understand why bad things is happen.

    1. Think about Mary and Carol in terms of introverts and extraverts and how they communicate differently. Introverts tend to withdraw when extraverts get loud.

  7. Scenario 1 (E and I):

    Mary needs to understand that Carol might have had a problem or a conflict in which caused her to pay the bill late. Carol didn't seem to explain her side of the story because Mary kept talking and she got louder as Carol kept to herself to the point that Mary drove Carol out of the room. This is a big problem communications wise and for their relationship too because they don't seem to communicate very well and this can also cause problems between them as room mates and even anger. Mary needs to improve her communication skills by letting the other person speak which in this scenario is Carol to better explain what happened so that they can come up with a solution for next time. Mary can't keep blaming Carol for the late payment because it already happened and they can't change the past. What they can do is communicate better and come up with a solution that will make them both happy. Maybe Carol had an accident or didn't have a ride to go pay the bill. Mary and Carol can both be better room mates with better communication skills and Carol should explain her side of the story to stand up for herself. If they don't communicate better with each other they will continue having problems with each other.

  8. After reading this chapter I have learned a lot of ways to help try to improve my communicating skills. A couple ways I will work on communication is being and extrovert I have no problem talking, but sometimes that can be a bad thing I need to learn to shorten my stories and conversations because I learned that talking so much can not only bore someone to not listen to you, it can also keep away from the actual point of the story. Another thing that will help me is to remember not to put people down when communicating and not giving advice to strong unless asked or don't be too negative if I don't agree sometimes people just want you to listen so I need to learn how to identify the difference. I plan on using all the skills I learned in this chapter but these are the few that stuck out to me the most.

    1. Yes, extraverts can improve communication by knowing that they are extraverts and giving the introverts time to communicate.

  9. In the roommate situation between Mary and Carol there are definitely things that can be down to work this problem out and end with a conclusion instead of getting no where. Mary needs to realize that Carol is more quiet and more personal then just loud and out in the open. I think Mary should maybe ask Carol why she was late instead of just yelling at her and getting louder as she does't talk. Carol also needs to let Mary know how she feels to and maybe ask her nicely if she could lower her voice or allow her to talk. I feel there maybe an issue that Carol didn't have the money on time but if it got paid it should't be that big of a deal. I think if Carol learns to communicate a little more with Mary sticking up for herself and letting her know ahead of time if something is going to happen like this so it doesn't leave Mary at a surprise to amp her up again and be angry. I also think Mary needs to realize that Carol isn't as out in the open as she is and that maybe asking her if everything is OK and if she needed help with money instead of just being upset. Also needs to learn how to let Carol speak maybe helping her learn to communicate better by asking her questions and letting her fully explain herself before Mary says something again. I have been in a situation before and I was the Mary it definitely can work out for the best as long as both can learn to understand one another.

  10. I am a extrovert and a feeling type personality. My boyfriend of 11 years has never taken the test but I am pretty sure that he is an introvert, sensing type. I believe that it is true that opposites attract but it does not come without it's challenges. I am a communicator and he is from a family that has terrible communication skills. I like to talk everything out, probably a little annoying for him but it makes me feel better when I know that things between us are clear. He has no idea how frustrating it is for me when he doesn't tell me things and I find out from someone else. This is also a problem because I take things personally and get my feeling hurt. He does not internalize stuff like I do so things that are really important to me sometimes don't seem to bother him so much. This is just always a work in progress. I have to always try to be a better listener and he has to talk more and is figuring out how to word things and make himself better understood. Relationships are hard and we have no idea why we end up with the people that we do and even though we know why we love and care about them, who we connect with can be a mystery. It helps to know the other person's personality strengths and weaknesses. I try to focus on the good things about my boyfriend's personality and not be negative about the other stuff, just because we are different it does not make one of us better. I like that he is a sensing type, he is great at working with his hands and fixing things. It is nice to have our differences make up for each other's shortcomings. We are always working on communication and we will probably not always get it right, but after 11 years we have learned to be constructive in our arguing. No name calling, this sounds silly but we used to be really bad about this. And it helps that we decide together when to have important discussions. It used to be me just unloading on him and that did not ever work out. There is so much more and it's hard sometimes but It's worth it. The more you get to know someone and care about them the harder you want to try to make them happy and it really is all about how you communicate.

    1. This is a great example of accepting each other's differences. I agree that relationships are always a work in progress, but it sounds like you have good insights on how to maintain your good relationship.

  11. I am at the point in my life where I only have a few people in my life who I truly need. My coworkers are not so important that I am working on communication improvement. My wife and I have a wide open line of communication so that’s in good shape. Yet, there are five people who all mean the world to me and each of them requires a different style of communication. My children are 23, 23, 18, 15, and 8, two are blood and three are adopted but each of them is just as important as the next. The oldest three are girls and the younger two are boys. What a difference right there, never mind the age gaps. Each girl has a different personality and I cannot use the same communication techniques with any of them. That’s ok with me, as it shows me that each one is her own person and not trying to be what I want them to be. The boys require more action within the communication. They respond more to how I react, rather than the words I use. This is teaching them how to be men and not be jerks along the way. I am not saying the techniques I use are perfect by any means, but each of them is becoming confident and expressing their desires for the future. The key with each of them is listening to what they have to say, sometimes they don’t want my input. It helps when a child, no matter what age, can simply vent to a parent without fear of repercussions or being judged.

    1. Being a good listener is a great way to maintain good relationships with your children. You also recognize their differences which is very helpful. Good job as always!

  12. Scenario 1 (E and I)

    Mary needs to first ask questions as to why the phone bill was paid late. Maybe a conflict came up that caused carol from being able to pay the phone bill. As Mary is more the extrovert and yells at Carol its not going to cause the situation between the two its going to make Carol uncomfortable and not be able to express her side of the story. Carol most definitely has the personality type of an introvert. Mary needs to improve her listening and communications skills by listening rather then yelling and getting upset. A good way to solve the argument between the two roommates would to sit down and talk it out, Mary letting Carol talk and give her side of the story since she knows that her friend may feel bad. It always good to expresses your frustration with an “I” statement rather then a “you” statement that way you are not labeling the roommate and upsetting them worse. In the end everyone should try and have the personality type to take a deep breath and forgive each other, mistakes happen and without knowing the cause you should never get mad at someone you care about and jump to conclusions.

    1. i agree with you for first sentence that she sure ask him about late bill.

    2. The "I" statements are really helpful here.

  13. A sensing type and an intuitive type are on a first date. What is each likely to talk about?

    On a first date with a sensing type will talk about their experiences like where they have gone and what they scene. The sensing type will stick to details and facts. They will ask specific questions and give concrete answers. For example a sensing type will talk about how their date looks like, how the food smells, and how the drinks taste. Focus their energy on the world inside of themselves. They enjoy spending time alone to think about the world in order to understand it. Introverts prefer more limited social contacts, choosing smaller groups or one-on-one relationships. These types are often described as quiet or reserved. An introvert type will be quite for awhile because they will be gathering there though and the introvert type will be also listening to the sensing and what the sensing is saying. When the introvert type done gathering their thoughts the introvert will talk about usually speak on those topics that interest them and then the sensing type will asks what are your interest and the introvert type will tell the sensing type what their interest are. The introvert and the sensing will go back in forth just talking about everything.

  14. It is very important to communicate with the people around you. You have to communicate with them so there will be fewer misunderstandings and you will know the world more. When communicating, you should not use the word “You”. It will bring many arguments because the word “you” is offensive. Instead, the word you should use is “I”! It is not offensive and there will be no arguments. “I” is better than “you” because it helps people understand their mistakes without getting hurt. Another thing to do is making sure to bond with people. You should ask them about how they are doing and what they want to do with you. You should spend more times with your friends. It will create a stronger bond! People should not jump to conclusions when communicating. You have to look at the other person’s perspective and then tell them what you think. If you automatically be rude to them and talk in an angry voice, they will talk back. You should watch what you are saying and try to understand other people’s perspectives!

    Scenario: Mary and Carl are roommates. They are discussing the phone bill. Mary is mad at Carl and Carl isn’t speaking. Carl left the room. What should they do?
    Carl might have paid the bill late, but Mary should not have jumped to conclusions. In a friendly way, Mary should have told him why he paid it late. In addition, they were talking about this year’s bill so Mary shouldn’t have thought about last year’s bill. Carl did not have to leave the room. He was passive. Carl could have stood up to her, but instead he was too shy to do anything. Carl should have explained why he paid the bill late and he was sorry.

    1. The most important reasons for using "I" statements is to share your feelings and thoughts without judging others. This opens the door to communication so that the other can share his or her perspective. This increases understanding and communication. Good job!

  15. Improving Communications at work

    Learning new things and how an outside perspective is very important can go a long way. I just thought about the problems and solved them in my head because it was mine. But now, things have change and when taking on responsibilities at work. Tasks and assignments are expected to get done and if not, then the big boss would like to know why and what were the reasons? I think the biggest issue I would say is maybe I am not being very detailed about how the task are supposed to be completed? Or possibly its more of a time management issue? Case is, I cant just lash out at the person, its not right and clearly not in my best interest if I still would like to keep my job. But I do have to address the matter at hand and still keep a calm and collective attitude. By learning the good listener techniques, I will put them to work and honestly stick to it word by word to hopefully get better results. For example, next scheduled shift I plan to explain the task at hand that needs to be completed, and I would ask the employee if they understand what I am asking for and to demonstrate to me what they interpret. This will hopefully knock two birds with one stone, by which I mean that if there is a mix up. I will be able to fix the issue and clearly repeat what I am asking to get done for the task. After doing so, I would ask for any feed back to again make sure "We" are on the same page, and also to hear of new ideas that might help or make it better. This positive feed back will allow me to hear what the employee is thinking about the task and maybe they have a faster way of doing it. This would also establish that I am listening to them and giving them my undivided attention so they know I am supportive to new ideas and change. I need to know that "We" are a team. If they can not communicate to me as their supervisor, then there is a very big problem at foot and this could cause further problems later on. I feel that using the method I should get better results and not have an argument. I do not see any need or desire to get worked up and start blaming things and causing an argument. By talking this out, I feel this will definitely build a stronger communication and team work effort.

    1. Using the feedback meaning technique is helpful in making sure the communication is clear. It is good that you are trying this at work.

  16. In socializing occurrences an extrovert would be highly energized by being around others. Although, introverts also enjoy the company of others, they are drained by the company of others and prefer time to themselves. Extroverts easily make friends and have a large group of friends. Introverts are tend to have a smaller group of claw friends, and sometimes can be shy.

    Mary and Carol could improve their communication skills by stating out right how they feel. Discussion out of anger is not the best time to have a discussion, that is when things such as name calling start to happen. Wait to cool off and be respectful of each other's personality differences.

  17. After reading, and reviewing this chapter, I realized communication is really important and something I will need to start working on, since its hard for me to express how i feel most of the time. This chapter really helped me learn how to communicate better with my friends and family, Having good communication is important as a college student as well, so this is something I will continue to work on and make sure I am able to give friends advice when they need it. Im happy this was one of the chapters, because now I know how to get better at this.

    1. Glad you are finding the material useful and liked this chapter.

  18. As a women, we will always want to be reminded that we are loved, it helps us feel good, and Im sure for Rachel he puts the biggest smile on her face. My parents have been married for 32 years, and I know my dad doesn't say he loves my mom daily, but he will do little things to show her he still loves her, but every person wants the feeling. I don't think its a big deal, but Rachel just wants to hear those 3 words, and i doubt it talks a lot of effort to say that to her before bed or before they start their day. Communication is a big deal when it comes to these things. Being married one year, and you aren't getting an I love you would make me feel unwanted. So I think saying those words doesn't take that much of an effort.
    Rachel and Jim have been married about a year. Rachel complains to Jim that he never says, "I love you" anymore. Jim replies that he would not have married Rachel if he didn't love her. How can they improve communication?

  19. I found this chapter to be very helpful because sometimes I have troubles communicating with people and trying to get my point a crossed. Being an introvert, this usually tends to be the reason for my lack of communication. Usually when I am talking with another person, it is hard for me to get in a word because I am not well at interrupting and putting my input in. However when it is my turn to talk, I make sure that I say what I want to say. Also another reason why I have troubles with communicating with people is because I am a thinker. When getting into conversations with the opposite gender, I tend to come off as a bit more intimidating because women who are considered thinkers are likely to be known as a little less feminine than perceivers. I also can be very passionate about things that I love and believe in and will not want to believe what others have to say about a certain topic. I can try to improve this problem by trying to understand someone else's beliefs even If I do not necessarily agree and try to not come off too strong and remain neutral when getting into a important conversation.

    1. You are right that women who are thinkers are perceived less positively than men who are thinkers. I think it is a subtle form of discrimination when women are considered bossy and men are considered leaders!

  20. This chapter was helpful for me because I often have trouble communicating what I want to say. I usually do not start conversations with people. I wait for them to say something first. Sometimes I just do not know what to say or how to start a conversation and other times I tend to think too much about what I am going to say before saying it. I need to be more of an extrovert because communicating is the key to success and having relationships with people. Being quiet does not help in this situation. I need to learn how to take initiative in conversations more and not think about what I want to say so much.

  21. When I am talking to my family and friends sometimes I over talk, then I miss what the other person is trying to tell me. Listening is not hard to do I just have to open my ears sometime and let the other person have to change to say something. Everyone that I know has basically told me to be quick. I try not to think before I speak, but sometimes things comes out of my mouth that I did not want to. I have lost two of my friends this way. I have been a little bit better lately. I have always told myself by the time I am twenty one years old, I will not be able to hear; this is somewhat true. When I was in my teenage years all my friend and family listened to music loud. One of my good friends had a boom box in her car that was always up all the way. This is a big part of why I cannot hear people when they are talking to me. This last year or so my music has come down and now I can hear a little bit better. Listening to your family, friends and teachers you will be to learn a lot from them. Keep your ears open. Also, when your family or your friends are having a bad day, try to talk to them about their situation. Then try to tell them a story that you have had in your life like theirs. This really works.

    1. Finding common interests is one of my favorite communication techniques.

  22. You can describe how you plan to apply some of the ideas in this chapter to improving communication with your children, boss, friends or parents or anyone who is important in your life

    Some of the ideas to improve communication with the important ones in our life is to pay attention to our actions toward them and think of the consequences. Always make a connection with them, If you are having an in-person interaction try to make the person comfortable and safe. Always ask them questions One way you can respond more mindfully to a negative statement is by asking for clarifications. Try to share information with them,if they feel open to conversation, make it just happen, and start talking about subjects that interest both sides. Also always try to treat others the way you want to be treated, if you want someone to be concerned about you,you also must concern about them. Make sure to think positively through the ideas and words chosen. Being a good listeners make parents feel good that their children listen to them, in the same time if children are wise enough they will realize that every word a parent says has a precise meaning. Moreover even listening to another person than parent will increase persons information in many ways.

  23. Mary and Carol
    I think paying the bill late is better than not paying the bill because that can cause to a bigger problem. My expectancy could be that maybe Carol did not have enough money that can afford for the phone bill and was trying to get paid from work or expecting Mary for paying the phone bill. Carol is becoming quitter is because probably knows that Mary will get more mad if there is a communication in between of them so carol is trying to avoid the communication so that they don’t go in a worse way of communication. By logic as much the person is quitter is less issues that’s what I think. According to Mary becoming upset is not the matter but Mary wants to know what cause that to happen and probably Mary want’s to help for the next time so that Carol wouldn’t make any late payment for the phone bill. So in that case Mary would have to come with a different communication language that makes Carol talk like questioning did not work maybe Mary should try to offer something that Carol like for that question. Carol left the room because Mary got lousy and people can’t be treated with loud voices because it feels like blame.

  24. Responsibility is sometimes needed to deal with friends. Now, in the example of Mary and Carol it is obvious that Carol does not have that sense of responsibility, which made Mary upset about it. The first thing that can be done to improve the communication between Carol and Mary is to first let Carol understand that responsibility is important when when the others who are close to you depend on it. In The case of Mary and Carol, Carol paid the phone bill late. This Phone is connected between both of them and any irresponsibility could lead to disconnect them from the service, which is something that they both need. Another thing that Carol and Mary could do to improve their communication involves Mary. It was very obvious that Mary's tone of conversation is very harsh. To have a good a communication is often needed to have a positive way of speaking to the other, for if any of the sides spoke with a harsh tone it could lead the other to respond with harsh way that could involve talking or sometimes ignoring, which it was the response that Carol had most of the time. Being responsible and talk in a nice way that doesn't involve yelling or blaming is the best way to improve the communication between Mary and Carol.

  25. Mary and Carol are roommates and are discussing paying bills for the apartment that they share. Mary is upset because Carol paid the phone bill late. The more that Mary talks, the quieter Carol becomes. This causes Mary to become even more upset. Mary starts talking in a loud voice and Carol leaves the room. How can they improve communication?

    It appears as though Carol might be introverted, and that Mary might have some sort of power and influence over her. Mary should minimize her talking and only focus on the main idea while pausing and giving Carol the opportunity to speak. Mary should lower her voice and speak in a reasonable tone. She should also use words such as “I” in order to express her feelings and avoid using accusatory words such as “you”. She should let Carol know how it makes her feel when the bill is late and give her the opportunity to explain herself and let her know her feelings. They can find ways in which they can solve the problem. Either through a compromise or a win-win situation they can solve the argument in a way that benefits them both. They can come up with ideas to help Carol remember when the bill is due or set up automatic payments. She can put Carol in charge of another bill that may be due later in the month. It is important for one person not to shut out the other. Communication is more effective in an environment where both parties feel comfortable expressing their feelings.

  26. There are many important relationships in my life. I have learned that relationships require work and effective communication to keep them going strong. Because I value these relationships it is important for me to communicate effectively. I have learned through opportunities like this course, that there are many nuances in effective communication. It is not only the way we speak but also the way that we listen. The way that we communicate to our spouse and children is different from the way that we speak to our boss, friends and parents. A few examples of ways that I can improve my communication and listening skills in my relationships are first, I can improve by talking less. There have been times when instead of listening, I was formulating my response. This is not a productive way of listening therefore I can improve in this area. Another way I can improve is by practicing feedback. I can be a more effective communicator if I restate what has been said by the other person. This will show that I am active in the conversation and really listening to them. If I find that I don’t understand what is being said I can ask for clarification. Clarification is a helpful strategy that I can incorporate into my communication skills. It will help eliminate assumption and keep the conversation on point. One last skill that I have learned will be helpful in my communication with others is that I need to be careful in giving advice. It is important that I avoid this temptation and instead share my experiences and offer suggestions. I understand that people are unique individuals and things that might work for me may not work for them. With these skills and others that I’ve learned about in this class I will become a more effective communicator in relationships that I value.

  27. Scenario 2: S & N

    If a sensing type and an intuative type were on a date, the sensing type would pay attention to the surroundings; the music that was playing, how the food tasted and what the other person looked like. They would most likley be on time and get flustered if the intuative person shows up late. During the date the sensor would talk mostly about concrete events, such as places they have visited, experiences they have had and people they have known. Before the date even begins, the intuative person is imagining what the date will be like. Intuatives are thought of as dreamers with their heads up in the clouds and will most likely be discussing their dreams, beliefs, visions and other creative ideas. They will skip from topic to topic. The intuative type gathers information from the senses and looks for possibilities, meanings and relationships between ideas. Being polar opposites I would think that this date would be a disaster but who knows, opposites attract!

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.
