Monday, October 20, 2014

Chapter 9, Test Taking, Oct. 20-26

Please read the chapter on test taking and make comments on two of these questions:

1. Students often say, “I am not a good test taker.” What ideas in this chapter would be helpful to this student?

2. Look at this YouTube video at, “Test Stress Reduction the Navy Seals Way,”  This 3 minute video shows some ways to be successful “when the world is on fire.”  Share your comments on the video.  Can the Navy Seals techniques be used in college and in life in general?  

3. What are some suggestions for dealing with text anxiety?

3. How do you study for a math test?

4. What is the ideal way to review for a test?

5. What are some disadvantages of cramming for a test and how can you avoid cramming?

6. What is your best idea for studying for exams?

7. Comment on another student's post. 


  1. I was not a Navy Seal, but I was in the Navy for 21 years and I completely understand the process behind setting short goals. I have made multiple deployments in excess of eight months and setting short term goals was a key component to being able to succeed at work and deal with being away from my family. I would often start with counting how many days had passed, rather than days left. As the number grew bigger, I knew the quarter or half-way point was getting closer. After half-way I would count down to a set point, such as a port visit. Never did I count down to the homecoming day, as it was often a fluid day and could change. By setting short term goals, I was able to manage my emotions throughout long deployments and deal with the challenges that came my way. This technique has proven to be an extremely valuable tool during my college career. I never look to far ahead, one assignment at a time. Just get it done and see what comes next. The only other tool as valuable as goal setting is how to utilize time management, but that’s another topic.

    1. Awesome. Thank you for you service. My son is just starting his 6th year in the Coast Guard. I am so proud of him and what he is doing. It has been hard having him so far away most of the time but he is growing up to be such an amazing person. The military life can be very challenging for everyone. This has nothing to do with this Chapter, I just felt like sharing. Hope you are having fun in College :)

    2. I agree that there are valuable lessons learned in the military. I found it interesting seeing how you dealt with long deployments. Thanks for sharing your experiences.

  2. My best idea for studying for exams also comes from the Navy, as I had to take 200 question exams to get promoted. The material was broad and in-depth at the same time and there were questions about equipment I had never seen. For me the process began with knowing the test date and not waiting till the last minute to start preparing. Often I would break the information into sections, such as air-conditioning, electrical, and leadership. As this test was taken with others I knew, just like in a college class, there would be many sessions where a few of us would get together and talk about the material. Usually, there would be experts in each section to provide insight and explanation of technical material. I learned about co-operative learning, where students are tested in groups and the group grade is applied to each member. I found the discussion during the tests would trigger my memory with a single word or phrase. I have always learned more with my classmates than alone, and even more when I am trying to teach a subject to others. I am in a class now where I am able to help my classmates with practical demonstration of the lab work. This has allowed me to feel more confident in my own knowledge and it should help during the practical examination. Testing is all about preparation and you get what you put in, simple as that.

    1. Wow I have never heard of a group test that sounds really interesting like it could go really good or really bad. I to learn more with classmates than alone and sometimes its because I gain more confidence when I discuss topics with my classmates on a more intimate level than publicly in class all though I do participate in class discussions too. Its pretty awesome that you are able to help out classmates that our in your lab class and that it has helped your confidence. Sounds like your doing a good job in college keep up the good work. Thanks for the tips too, I like your technique of breaking down information into sections, its kind of like a "mind map" in a sense but its totally more visual and thats how I like to work.

  3. I think the most important things to do when it comes to preparing for a major exam are managing your time wisely, taking good notes and studying them, and predicting the test questions. Attendance, of course, is a major factor, because how else would you take notes? Managing your time is extremely important. You should never wait until the last minute to start studying your notes, and instead over a period of time gradually review them. Make flash cards, or read the study guide over and over again until it really sticks in your head. Also, predicting the test questions is easier than one would think. Most likely, the questions come from the lecture and notes.

    1. Hi Tanya! I agree that the most important way to prepare for an exam is to manage your time wisely. Procrastination is a common problem that people struggle with, including myself. Having a schedule and a plan for studying can be very helpful as well.

  4. I think these are four good tips for studying for a math test.
    1. If there are formulas, make sure to memorize them! They are the key to solving the equations.
    2. Study the notes often and practice extra problems to make sure you have the lesson down.
    3. Show all your work and don't skip steps because that could easily lead to confusion. It is best to thoroughly write down every step for future reference when you study the problems you have already done.
    4. Do your homework! That is very important because you need to practice how to do the math problems for the test.

    1. I agree Tanya. You have to do your homework. it is really important. Doing your homework will help you achieve something in life. That will be your goal!

    2. Thanks for sharing the good information on the math tests. Your plan for studying for tests covers all the basics. Great post!

  5. The ideal way to prepare yourself for a major exam, midterm, or final first and for most is to come to each class to learn the material for the day and listen to the lecture and not fall behind. Manage your time wisely by allowing yourself ample time for studying and being organized, make flash cards and recite out loud. Once you meet your classmates form a study group and exchange number to have a good point of reference in case of any questions you may come across as well as motivating one another. Be sure to leave time for studying and reviewing so you don't try to cram your brain with information which will most likely not be able to be stored in your LTM. Before the exam review material you already have studied and mastered.

  6. Some ways of dealing with test anxiety is knowing you are anxious about and just admitting it to yourself is the first step in calming you down. Get a good night sleep before the exam and eat a well balanced breakfast, try avoiding sugar or caffeine. Also if you are well prepared tell yourself you know the material at hand. Before taking the exam walk around to give yourself a boost of confidence and energized before walking in the classroom. Right before walking through the door to take your exam take a big deep breath and always have a positive mid set.

  7. There are a number of disadvantages to cramming for a test. The largest problems have to do with the fact that there is simply not enough time to properly study when forced to cram. This causes you to rush through your notes which can cause you to miss a couple key points which in turn can screw over your test taking ability. On top of not being able to study the points in depth because you had to go over the material haphazardly it is likely a decent amount of what you went over was not stored in your LTM so it is not likely you will remember it come test day. Some good ways to avoid being forced to cram for a test is to find out when the tests are going to take place and plan accordingly. If there is no way to find out the exact date of a test then it would be best to go over the material that will be on it bit by bit, this allows you to learn the material at your own pace without having to worry about cramming anything in last minute.

    1. You have reinforced some key points in avoiding cramming for an exam. It is important for students to understand that cramming does not work very well for long term memory. Great post!

  8. While I do not often suffer from severe test anxiety there are still a number of ways I found to deal with it on the rare occasion that I get overly stressed out about a test. The biggest thing that relives stress anxiety is simple being prepared and knowing what is likely to be on the test. This can increase your confidence and will help you study for the test. Secondly by getting a full nights sleep the night before the test you will be well rested and your mind will be performing at top proficiency, by being well rested you also decrease the chances of falling asleep and losing out on time that could have been spent answering the test questions. Lastly I eat a good balanced breakfast that does not include large amounts of sugar or caffeine which could cause me to be jittery and unfocused. By following these three steps I usually eliminate the larger part of the anxiety a test has inflicted upon me and can focus completely on the test.

  9. Students often say, “I am not a good test taker.” What ideas in this chapter would be helpful to this student?
    In this chapter some ideas that could help this student would be to first make sure that you keep your thoughts positive at all times. If we know or have shown that math is not our strongest subject then you need to look at what I can do to improve my math skills. It isn't suggesting that we will be an A+ student, but letting us know that it is possible. Some ideas would be to not be afraid to ask questions in class that you don't understand, meet with the teacher during office hours to discuss what you need help with, the one on one focus is more comforting and easier to ask questions. Also a tutor may be needed to help you more understand math so even if you don''t like it at least you will have an understanding of it to allow you to graduate college seeing as all degrees need math to graduate. Remember we wont like all subjects or be good at all of them, but there will always be ways for us to improve our knowledge. Also be sure to study the material instead of just going in to the class telling yourself you are going to fail because if you do that then you will fail.

  10. What are some suggestions for dealing with test anxiety?
    Some good ways to deal with test anxiety that this chapter suggested were some pretty good ones that I am definitely going to try in the future. Some things it say to do it to make sure to keep positive thoughts, recognize when you are having anxiety an just tell yourself to stop focus and relax, daydream about a calm nice place to set your mind to. Before the exam arrive early and take a brisk walk to free your mind and thoughts, when you arrive to class take a few deep breaths in and out to get ready. When you receive the test answer the easy questions first to get your mind and your confidence built up to help you move along with the exam a lot smoother. I think the one that I enjoyed the most and is really the most logical one that I tend to use is talking to yourself realizing what it is that your are doing and understanding that you have to make changes to help with that.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. I have a math test every third Thursday. I attend every class because it helps to hear every lecture as there is a logical order to them and if I miss one I feel like I would have trouble following the next class. I do all my homework and try to take time to do the practice quizzes. I take good notes and review them frequently. I ask questions in class when necessary. I make flash cards with formulas and other information that is important to memorize. I make sure to get plenty of rest before a test and eat something light. I am not really good at Math but these techniques have scored me an A so far this year.

    1. This is a great plan for getting an A in math. Thanks for sharing!

  13. When students have trouble test taking there are a number of things that they can do to get better. To start, they can make sure to start study whenever they get new information. Also they should study not only new information but old as well so they know the subject well. In addition, they should attend study groups to help strengthen their knowledge on the subject. They could create flashcards with information on them. There are also some basic things they do such as getting enough sleep the night before and eating a nutritious breakfast. All these things should help them improve on their test taking skills.

  14. Every student deals with test anxiety at one point or another and there are some ways to ease yourself when it happens. To start, be sure to study and know your subject on which you will be tested on. You can create flashcards or write the most important points down on paper. Attend study groups to get a more firm grasp on the topic or even ask a teacher questions you don't know. Attend every class and write things down that the teacher takes time to write down on the board; because if the teacher took the time to write it down it must be important. Be sure to get a good nights sleep and eat healthy before a test. In addition,picture yourself doing well on the test and also admit to yourself that you are anxious it is okay. Arrive early on the day of the test and take a walk around campus really quick exercise helps.

  15. How do you study for a math test?

    Math tests are my favorite kinds of tests because they deal with numbers and equations that are easy to solve when I have studied them very well. I usually study every equation that's going to be on the test and I either create my own problems to solve or I go online and grab practice problems to solve them as a way to study. I always solve equations with different numbers and different scenarios because I know that on a math test the teacher might make an easy equation harder by adding fractions, exponents, and things of that sort to make it more difficult to solve. On the test day I study the equations that are going to be on the test so I can write them down on the test paper before I start solving the math problems and I only do this if the teacher doesn't allow us to bring a note card of the equations. This is very helpful because if you start solving math problems right away without writing the equations down you might forget them and have a hard time remembering them during the test.

    1. I agree with ideas here and I think they are very effective, but I can add up one thing to them too. I think when you are taking a math test it is also good to start with problems that are easy for you and you know that you can solve them correctly. If you get stuck in a hard problem and you don't know how to solve you might spend a lot of your test's time and might not have time to solve the easy ones which can give you a very low grade. Where if you started with easy ones and then came back to the hard one, you will not anxious about it and you will be more relaxed in which it can give you the ability to recognize it more.

  16. What are some suggestions for dealing with text anxiety?

    Test anxiety can really hurt a students grade on a test because instead of focusing on the test the student will panic and most likely forget tons of information that would be helpful to remember for the test. There are many ways to avoid test anxiety and the number one way I believe is by being prepared for the test by studying for the test throughout the semester. For example, if you study your notes and material everyday then you should be well prepared for the midterm. If you don't study and wait until the last couple days before the test then you will have test anxiety and not do so good. You can also try doing some exercising before the test such as walking around campus for a good 20 minutes and thinking positively about the test. Tell yourself you are going to do very well on the test because you are well prepared. Getting a good sleep is also important and I would not recommend staying up all night studying for the test because from personal experience you will be drowsy and forget tons of important information. Get a good sleep and also have a good breakfast which will help you focus on the test.

  17. 1. Students often say, “I am not a good test taker.” What ideas in this chapter would be helpful to this student?
    To help this student in my opinion to read the entire chapter then summarizes the chapter. When you summarize the chapter read the notes you took then you will understand that important details. The notes that you have will help you for exam.

    2. Look at this YouTube video at, “Test Stress Reduction the Navy Seals Way,” This 3-minute video shows some ways to be successful “when the world is on fire.” Share your comments on the video. Can the Navy Seals techniques be used in college and in life in general?
    The navy seals have to do many obstacles. That is hard work. The seals have also been doing their homework. A way to help is goal setting. It will build your energy up knowing that you want to be something. This is mostly what the navy seals did. They did this to help them through their problems.2 other things you need to do mainly is sleeping and doing your homework! That is important. You need to get good sleep so you can focus. You need to do well with your homework to achieve something!

    3. What are some suggestions for dealing with text anxiety?
    When they test success series students, they overcoming test anxiety. Most students experience some level of anxiety during an exam could affect them. Some of students they also have high experience on anxiety exam.

    4. How do you study for a math test?
    The way I, study is review the informant. Look at the beginning of chapter, which is, explain how you could solve the problem or question. In addition, I have a notes taken is helps student a lot for homework and review too.

    5. What is the ideal way to review for a test?
    In my opinion, Students should take a notes form teacher or review the chapter. The way I, study is review the chapter and notes 2 day before the test because it helps me to understand the chapter. The most common for review for a test is notes taken.

    6. What are some disadvantages of cramming for a test and how can you avoid cramming?
    Cramming for exams is a contest of college life, which offers many distractions that make it easy to keep away from studying until the last minute. One of the more commonly voiced rationales for cramming is the idea. They affected them self for studying in last mint and not even ready enough for exam.

    7. What is your best idea for studying for exams?
    The best ways taken out the entire quiz and review it then before the test review the notes that you have it. This will help you remember your notes and you will pass your test.

    1. Note that you only need to reply to two of the questions.

  18. When I study for an exam, quizzes, or midterms, I always like to maintain my time, so before the the test I don't get overwhelmed. Reviewing my tools is what I do. I always like making notecards, doing summary pages, highlighting, just to make sure I get the information. Attendance is important for me as well. I won't miss class unless something is really wrong, and if I miss I will email my professor, and let her know I was unable to make it due to my reason. Predicting test questions, helps me as well. I like to have others quiz me, and make sure I know what I need to know on my study guide. I think if everyone does these things, they will be a successful college student.

    1. Exactly, I can agree with every thing you mentioned and I think that you would probably do well on all of your exams. Maintaining time will help me do a lot of things better. Making notes would also make my studying time be more easy and it will help do also better in any exam I take. Pretending test questions is very important to help us be more curious about the exam's questions. I wish you a good luck on all of your exams and using those ideas and you will be successful.

  19. 1. Prepared- being prepared for class is important, make sure you have a pencil, be on time, and work hard while being in class. That will be successful.
    2. Study for exams- Studying for your exams is important, and making sure you know the material is important, so you can be successful
    3. Take notes- In my math class its all note taking. I always make sure I write down important information, and if i have a question I always ask.
    4. Pay Attention- Paying attention is important in any course, but i feel like its more important in math. and making sure you know what to do when you get home for your homework
    5. Class Work- Doing my class work to me is very important, my math teacher doesn't collect homework, but I still do it, so when the test comes i know what to expect

  20. 2. Look at this YouTube video at, “Test Stress Reduction the Navy Seals Way,” This 3 minute video shows some ways to be successful “when the world is on fire.” Share your comments on the video. Can the Navy Seals techniques be used in college and in life in general?

    This You Tube video shows a technique that we read about in college scope and can help with life in general and school and is probably one of the main reasons navey seals use also. Goals are important in everything we do weather its managing our finances or trying to achieve academic success. Goals can seem so overwhelming and out of reach but when they are broken down into achievable steps you begin to see light at the end of the tunnel. I have set small goals to reach bigger goals in my personal life and it is a great feeling each time a goal is accomplished and in the end the reward is greater because it feels like you have accomplished so much. Trying to separate all my school work is a goal I set each week. I usually will set a goal to finish one class assignment at night and I give myself 2-3 days for each class depending on the work load. By the end of the week it is a lot of work and writing that I have completed but its rewarding that I accomplish each assignment per class.

    1. Breaking your goals down into small, manageable steps is really helpful in accomplishing lifetime goals. Great post!

  21. What is your best idea for studying for exams?

    It takes only three ways to be well prepared for exams: Spend more hours studying, sleeping enough hours, and thinking positively. Spending more hours studying for the exams will be the best thing that student ca do to get a good grade because it will help me understand more about the material. Secondly, sleeping eight hours before the day of the exam will help my mind to be more focused and be more ready for the exam. Lastly, I should always think positively and remind my self that there in nothing is impossible in my life. Those three ideas will help me a lot to do well on any exam I take.

  22. 4. What is the ideal way to review for a test?
    Everybody learns ways and at different paces, but for me the ideal way of reviewing for a test is to make time. Making sure the right amount of time is key in anything you want to learn and especially remember. Over whelming the brain but cramming is not the smartest way of going but some people like to push the limits. Breaking the material into sections and spreading it out through out the week is a nice way to learn and its organized. It gives the brain time to learn in small bites and then move on while still retaining. Reviewing is also key, within the first 20minutes after reading try to repeat what you just read and ask your self if it makes sense. Writing down notes in a way that you will be able understand later so you review it later and ask questions if you do not understand it. Do not wait to the last minute to study, take as much as needed.

    1. This is a good summary of how to prepare for a test.

  23. 3. What are some suggestions for dealing with text anxiety?

    Dealing with anxiety is tough, but its not the end of the world. Some of the tips in the chapter I have exercised myself and I seem to still do from time to time. Breathing techniques help out a lot, there are times when I feel like my heart is in my throat and everybody and can hear my heart beat. But its my thoughts just getting the best of me. Taking a few breaths to relax my nerves and thinking positive thoughts usually helps. Keeps my mind off topic and daydreams for a second but it calms me. I have not admitted to being anxious, cause I know I am but it seems like it might work, so I might try this. Of course being well prepared is also essential to save yourself the jitters, Practicing and reciting what you have to say or do with other people or friends usually takes some stress off, kind of like riding a bike. You are scared that you may fall but when you do, you just get back on and keep at it till your a pro. Or from what other students have shared, they would rather just go first. This kind of sets the bar for everybody else. So even if you do good or bad, nobody would really know?

    1. I agree with you. Relaxing and taking a few breaths helps before going into a test. I tend to daydream a lot and am easily distracted, which sometimes limits my time I have for taking a test. But anyways, I liked your response and thought it was really relate able, thank you for the tips.

  24. What is your best idea for studying for exams?

    When I’m studying for an exam or a midterm. I attend class listen to the teacher and ask questions when I don’t understand something and when the teacher say there a test coming up I jump right into study mode. The first thing I do is I make flash cards and when I’m making the flash cards I’m also studying at the same time. Then I’m done making the flash cards I find the time to study my flash cards I find a quite spot to study my flash cards. When I study I break up the time I study for two hours then I take an hour break and when it’s test day I’m confident .

  25. What are some suggestions for dealing with text anxiety?

    What you should do is get there early and walk around campus for about 20 minutes to clear your head before the test. Go to bed at reasonable time the night before the test. Take deep breaths immediately before the test, take a few deep breaths; hold them for three to five seconds and let them out slowly. Begin by getting as comfortable and relaxed as possible in your favorite chair or lying down in bed. Visualize yourself walking into the exam room. Try to imagine the room in as much detail as possible. If possible, visit the exam room before the test so that you can get a good picture of it. See yourself taking the exam calmly and confidently. The first step in dealing with anxiety is to admit that you are anxious rather than trying to fight it or deny it. Say to yourself, “I am feeling anxious.” Do the easy questions first and mark the ones that may be difficult. This will help you to relax. Once you are relaxed, the difficult questions become more manageable. Replace negative thoughts with more positive thoughts.

  26. The ideal way to prepare for a test begins with attending every class, if you aren't in an online class. For the material you have to complete for the class it is important to break it up into chunks and start early- - for example if you have 25 terms to learn in five days you can memorize five terms each day and be sure to review what you learned the day before; if you have to complete one chapter a week it would be good to schedule your reading so you do an even amount every day or every other day. besides scheduling your study time, it is also important to put yourself in an environment that works with you, and try to study when you are most alert and focused. You can determine what may be on a test by listening carefully in class for repeated concepts or even the hint drop "this will be on the test", and by skimming for the bold text in your text book and turning the phrases into questions.

  27. this chapter offered some really great ideas for combatting test anxiety, and one of the most important steps is being prepared for your exam. That should mean that when you read and go over test material, you start early on and keep the intake loads light and consistent. review what you studied the day(s) before. Get physical. Especially before the test, try arriving early so you can walk around campus before the test or do some exercise at home before leaving: get that blood pumping and endorphins releasing. The night before the test, and in general really, rest well. it is important that you do this for you and your brain and it will reduce crabbiness and feelings of incoherence. Another good thing to try is focusing on your deliberate breathing. breathe in, hold it for 3-5 seconds and slowly release. while you do this, imagine having your paper handed back to you and seeing a passing grade that you are satisfied with.

    1. Great post, Ivy! Thanks for sharing a good outline of how to prepare for tests and deal with test anxiety.

  28. How do you study for a math test?
    Right now I am enrolled in Math 120, and I study by using notecards. I write down all of the vocabulary words in the chapter that I am learning. Then I will study the notecards. I will also go back and do the problems that go with the notecards. I have to go over and over a math problem for me to really understand what I have to do. Math is not hard for me but I have to study or I won’t do well; therefor, when the test gets in front of me I do not freeze up as much. The last couple of times I have taken a math test I have not had any problems. The one thing in math that is hard for me is remembering what formula goes with which problem. When I have a test and I have to remember a formula I just put the formula on a notecard.

    1. Ill be taking math 120 soon. Its great to hear the way you are finding success in this course. It gives me some hope that I can do as well. Finding a successful system for studying math has always been something that challenges me and as a result I experience math test anxiety. After reading your blog, I am definitely reevaluating my preparation process. I really like the idea of using notecards. I usually struggle with the vocabulary. I've noticed its like learning a foreign language. I am going to try adding this technique to the way I study. Hopefully Ill find the same success.

  29. What are some disadvantages of cramming for a test and how can you avoid cramming?
    When one is cramming for a test the person can be more stressed out then they need to be. I rarely cram for a test because I do not want to be stressed out at the last minute. One will have less time to remember the information that is needed for the test. When one puts so much information in their head, most likely the person will forget the material. Also, when one is cramming for a test they will not sleep the night before the exam. How I avoid cramming for a test is I start studying for the test after I take the notes. Then the day before the test I will not have to be up all night studying for the test. I can have a good night sleep which everyone needs right before a test.

  30. Studying for an upcoming exam is always an over whelming process for everyone. I always try to review all the materials that the instructor has covered in the class, so that I am not overwhelmed at the day before the class. I first try to distribute the material that I have into pieces and then in a certain amount of days i try to finish that material and then i move up to the next. After finishing the distributed groups before starting the next material i review all the materials that i have studied before and then i move up to the next material.

  31. The best way to review for a test is to study. Study periodically throughout so you will be able to retain the information opposed to remembering then forgetting the information after the test. Reciting could be also helpful. It implants key ideas. Studying notes would go right along with reciting. Basically be persistent with studying the information you have so that it will no longer be temporarily stored and you will have a greater chance of getting a higher grade. Also, have a study area where it is comfortable for you to study. The right lighting, noise, levels, and computer accessibility could totally change your writing ability and make it more difficult to relax and actually study.

  32. How do you study for a math test?
    Though math seems to come easily to me, I make sure that I have attended all of the classes and have all the information available to me. I then review the information and figure out the most effective and best way to solve each type of problem. I also make sure that I write all formulas or important information on the top of the exam at the very beginning, so in case I become overwhelmed during the exam I have those to refer to. I also make sure that once I get the exam back, I thoroughly review all of the comments and ask questions on anything I missed in order to improve on the next exam.

  33. What is your best idea for studying for exams?
    My best idea for studying for an exam is to allow yourself the most time possible and get started early. By starting early, you are actually learning the information and making it more accessible when you need to remember it for an exam. You are able to better understand the information and explain it in case of an essay question.

  34. 6. What is your best idea for studying for exams?

    My best idea for studying for the exam is to spend the time needed for me to practice questions that I will predict will appear in the test, and to stay focused covering all the material. I make sure to sleep well and even go to bed earlier to be more relaxed. I must prepare the material I need and make note sheets of important information that I must remember.

  35. What are some suggestions for dealing with text anxiety?
    I am a student who experiences test anxiety. This chapter has some great ideas about dealing with test anxiety. The book suggests that first you get plenty of sleep and exercise. Second, before taking your test, visualize your success. Also, acknowledge your anxiety. If during the test you catch yourself feeling a bit negative, tell your self "Stop!" and replace negative thoughts with positive ones. Next, visualize the classroom as a place you are happy to be. Try making it your ideal daydream place. Then, keep a real perspective about the true value of the test such as,"my entire grade is not based solely on this test". Lastly, make sure to give yourself the time necessary to prepare. This chapter teaches us that if we practice all of this we will find success in dealing with test anxiety. However, It also points out that if its not successful we should seek help in the college counseling or health departments. Can't wait to try it out!

  36. What are some suggestions for dealing with text anxiety?

    Preparing yourself and getting a basic idea of the test. Reviewing the class materials that was covered in class. Being relaxed and comfortable in the class room. One way that could help with test anxiety would be to think positively. Thinking negative could make you feel overwhelmed and make things worse. Taking deep breathes in and out can help. If you start to stress on a problem, just skip it and do the ones don't have problems with and just go back to the others.

  37. What are some disadvantages of cramming for a test and how can you avoid cramming?

    Some disadvantages into cramming for a test would be not getting all the information you need. You don't have enough time to review everything. Usually this would make someone stress out, and that doesn't help things before a test. Some ways to help would be to manage your time better. Set time to study and review your notes. When you have enough time to study before a test you get a chance to review a lot more things and get comfortable for the test. That way you can be relaxed and stress free for the test.

  38. Although studying for an upcoming exam can be stressful and cause anxiety, there are always ways to get through it. The first thing I like to do is review all my notes and material from class and read the chapters in the book that we are covering. Also, breaking up your work and studying a little bit a day is so much more efficient that cramming all the information at once. Put your self in an area that will make you focus rather than sitting in your room where you are to comfortable and get easily distracted. Making sure you get enough sleep the night before is important as well because being well rested will improve your memory which will help you do better on the exam.

  39. Ways that you can study for a math test are by reviewing all the notes and reviewing what was covered in class. Another thing that always helps me do better on my math tests are doing practice problems over and over until I get them right so that way I am more confident going into the test knowing that I am able to do these certain types of problems. Reviewing and memorizing the equations is all very helpful so that way you know all the formulas and know how to do the problems. By doing these steps, it will improve your chances of getting a better grade on your math test.

    1. One of the differences in studying for a math exam is including practice. Thanks for sharing your tips.

  40. 4. What is the ideal way to review for a test?

    The ideal way to review for a test is to start reviewing the subject with a group and then manage my time and make a schedule to feel less rushed. I start studying as soon as possible so if I have any questions I can ask the teacher.I eat healthy food and especially my most important meal which is breakfast. I also use different places while I’m studying and take some breaks between time to time.I also separate the information into parts and make it fun to study.

    1. I like the way when you say that you like to study with a group because it feels like if you are struggling with something that is not understandable then you will get assistance from the group. Studying earlier is important because the helps to reduce the stress from thinking about the exam and by finishing the studying can help the brain a lot by not thinking and get struggled. Eating meals can help out the body of not thinking of being hungry and that can help of paying attention for the studying. I see many people try to make fun while studying because it keeps them remember the materials better.

    2. Studying as a group can be fun and motivating. Group study is often used in more difficult subjects with good success.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. What is your best idea for studying for exams?
    Time is most important for studying for the exam because I try to spend time studying and I see myself doing better than the less time on studying the exam. I try to read the notes that I wrote from the class and I try to review it more than one time and I try always to read out loud because I feel like there is someone talking to me when I do that and that help my ears to pay attention and sounds like someone is talking to me because it seem like a conversation. And always review the main point of the notes.

  42. What are some suggestions for dealing with text anxiety?

    For me, the best way to deal with test anxiety is to be prepared. If I have studied and I feel knowledgeable about the subject I will not be nervous at all. Reviewing notes and what has been covered in class is a great way to have a refresher prior to taking the test. I liked the idea about managing time during the test. if you have one hour and there are 50 objective questions, you have about a minute for each question. Halfway through the time, you should have completed 25 questions. Also eating a light breakfast and making sure you get an adequate amount of sleep can be helpful.

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